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这封信被原封不动地退了回来。The letter was returned to him unopened.

房间里的所有东西都保持原封不动。All the things in the room were kept changeless.

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具有其他后缀的文件将原封不动。Files with other suffixes would be left untouched.

要学原文的神,切不可原封不动照搬。Copy the spirit of the original not do it verbatim.

他原封不动地从古董商那里买到这套俄国式茶具。He bought the samovar as is from an antique dealer.

有些信被原封不动的退了回来,盖了个黑印戳。Some letters come back unopened, with a black stamp.

他把那包裹原封不动地送到警察局去了。He took the bundle just as it was to the police-station.

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运动式——近似于3级基本式,只是沿着内衣线原封不动地保留了毛发。Similar to Basic 3X but leaves the hair intact along the undies line.

鲍威尔读完之后,放到了口袋里,可能直到今天还原封不动的搁在那里。This Mr Powell reads and tucks in his pocket, where it may still be today.

如果你把他们原封不动或是烫洗后全冷冻起来就可以享用整个冬天了。You can enjoy them all winter long if you freeze them uncooked or blanched.

编剧的职责就是将电影里要发生的一切都原封不动的写出来。As the screenwriter, your job is to spell out exactly what happens in the movie.

可以学习其他导演的风格,但不要原封不动地照搬,你要制作有自己特色的电影。Study other people's styles but don't copy them. You have to make your own name.

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基本的建筑构造还原封不动,但是立面已经完全改变了。The basic construction has remained untouched but facade has been changed completely.

我努力的在身后留下一笔遗产,这笔遗产是原封不动的,加荣誉于主的并且激发人类的灵感的。I endeavor to leave a legacy behind that is intact, glorifies God and inspires mankind.

菲达干酪切丁同沙拉拌在一起,或者干脆一整块原封不动地摆放在最上面。Feta cheese is either diced and mixed in with the salad, or placed on top as a whole piece.

中药里确可常见粳米、糯米、麦粒原封不动入药治病的。In Chinese medicine can indeed common rice, glutinous rice, wheat curative medicine intact.

刚从火上煮过的、热气腾腾的、布满了鱼和肉的汤也被原封不动地端了上来。The soup was brought out hot from the fire and in the very pot in which it had been cooked.

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建议中要求药物须原封不动,没有人用过,分剂量单位包装。An exception allows the packaging to be opened, but the unit dose seal must still be intact.

它不太可能原封不动地通过,但折中的欲望可能会让这些项目打折扣。It’s not likely to pass unchanged, but the urge to compromise may take a toll on these programs.

然而,如果你相信自己的收入将原封不动,你的行动也会毫无改变。However, if you believe your income will remain the same, then your actions will remain the same.