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万世之宗,高居宝座荣耀中。Ancient of Days, who sit test throne in glory.

“缺乏眼神交流”在这个列表中高居榜首。At the top of the list is a lack of eye contact.

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2007年圣诞节时候,富时100指数高居6500点。At Christmas 2007 the FTSE 100 stood at 6, 500 points.

这次科研评比,他高居榜首。He topped the list in this appraisal of science and research.

她的书曾经高居美、英畅销书榜首数周。Her books have topped the US and UK bestseller lists for weeks.

非洲区域的新生儿死亡率在全世界高居榜首。The African Region’s neonatal death rate is the highest in the world.

科罗拉多州斯普林斯地区的自杀率高居全国第二。Colorado Springs has the second highest number of suicides in the nation.

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在斯托伊卡办公室中的一张组织图表上,契塔的照片一直高居榜首。On an org chart filed in Stoica’s office, Chita’s photo remains at the top.

中国队目前仍以17块金牌高居金牌榜榜首。China is still leading the Olympics 2008 gold medal tally race with 17 golds.

在莫斯科共有79名富翁,俄罗斯的富豪人数也高居欧洲第一。The city has 79 billionaires, and Russia has the most billionaires in Europe.

他们和来自科威特的消费者高居境外人士在英免税购物榜首。They and shoppers from Kuwait top the UK's list for tax-free spending in the UK.

更糟的是,来自我们现今竞争对手——中国的中学生,得分高居榜首。Even worse, high schoolers from our competitor du jour, China, scored the top spot.

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该地自己拥有事业的妇女比例亦高居全国之冠。In fact, Shenzhen also has a huge number of women who owns their business or shops.

美国的一个旅行网日前评出全球5个最不卫生的景点,爱尔兰的布兰妮石高居榜首。A US travel advice Website recently named the world's 5 "germiest" tourist locations.

但煤矿伤亡率高居各行业之首,至少本轮国有化改组也许能帮助减少矿难的发生。But at least state ownership may help save lives in one of China’s deadliest industries.

美国失业率高居不下,依然是投资者最为担忧的问题。The high unemployment rate in the U.S. remains one of the biggest worries for investors.

"我认为这不会改变任何事情.在我们看来联储依然处于按兵不动的状态,"他说,"我认为联储不敢在失业率依然高居双位数水准的情况下就上调政策利率.""I don't think this changes anything. The Fed is still on hold in our opinion," he said.

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敏特是卡罗来纳黑豹队在1997年选中的第二轮新秀,他以953次拦截高居球队榜首。Minter, the Panthers' second-round pick in 1997, is the franchise's leader with 953 tackles.

当德墨特尔与狄俄尼索斯来到地球时,犯罪率开始增加并一直高居不下。Crime had grown to become an all time high by the time that Demeter and Dionysus came to Earth.

北大称,该校在多数省份理科按计划最低录取线高居全国高校榜首。PKU says its threshold score for science in most of the provinces is the highest in the country.