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爱您是否最和顺的赏格。Loving you is the softest suspense.

你那和顺的情絮将会对谁绽放呢?For whom will your sweet body bloom?

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我是吉祥和顺的未羊,有我可以给你带来和顺财富!I am Sheep and I can give you peace.

怀特先生和顺地拥抱了妻子。Mr. White tenderly embraced his wife.

并祈求天下和顺,一切平安吉祥。And we wish peace and safety for the world.

和顺还拥有中国最好的乡村图书馆。Heshun library is China's best village library.

我是吉祥和顺的未羊,有我可以给你带来和顺财富!Heshun sheep, and there I can give you a wealth Heshun!

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梅花路和顺龙投注才是我们所要采取的战术。Plum Road Heshun Long Bets is what we want to adopt tactics.

我是吉祥和顺的未羊,有我可以给你带来和顺财富!I was not auspicious Heshun sheep, and there I can give you a wealth Heshun!

图为人们在和顺古镇中心的一家食品店里等待雨停。Waiting out the rain in a dry goods shop in the center of Heshun's old town.

图为和顺庭院里普通家庭住宅上雕刻精致的格子窗。Intricately carved latticed windows in the courtyard of a Heshun family home.

和顺的,不含化学成份相当有效的香波和洗澡液,两重的乐趣。A gentle, chemical free, wildly effective shampoo and body wash. Double the fun.

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和顺拥有云南最古老的跨国商号。Heshun is honored with the oldest international business brand in Yunnan Province.

LDN抑制肿瘤增生的效果和顺箔或是紫衫醇的效果相当。LDN's repression of cancer progression was comparable to that of cisplatin or taxol.

灯光从镇上为数不多的餐馆----“和顺人家”里照在了稻田之上。Lights shine over rice paddies from Heshun Renjia, one of the few restaurants in town.

男人内心渴望活得温柔和顺,但失衡的男性意识会说,这是丧失男性阳刚的表现。They want to live from the heart to be tender but then the strong masculine says this is weak.

和顺胶粘带制品有限公司是一家合资企业,始建于1990年,是生产胶粘带的专业厂家。Is a joint venture, was founded in 1990, the production of adhesive tape are professional manufacturers.

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“这个复合药物将和顺尔宁同场竞技,”默克公司发言人伊恩肯尼迪在健康博客上表示。"The combination product will compete with Singulair, " Merck spokesman Ian McConnell told the Health Blog.

和顺,一座滇西小镇,占尽了天时地利人和。Heshun, a small township in west Yunnan, has favorable climatic and geographic conditions and unity of people.

洗衣亭是不仅是和顺一道特有的风景,而且是一种文化道德传统的体现。Xiyi Pavilion is not only a peculiar sight, but also a reflection of traditional culture and morals in Heshun.