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这种技术称为流水线。This is known as pipelining.

适用全部包装流水线喷刻字码要求。Apply all packing line moment demands.

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是流水线到下一个输入功能。Is pipelined to the next functions input.

一条新流水线下星期将投入生产。A new assembly line will go on-stream next week.

它还可以改进缓存和指令流水线。It also improves caching and instruction pipelining.

设计采用了流水线以提供最高的吞吐量。The design is fully pipelined for maximum throughput.

该器件无流水线延迟。There are no pipelined delays associated with the part.

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有电镀生产流水线和喷塑生产流水线。Have spray plating production lines and production lines.

在硬件级别中,通过使用流水线操作来完成这个任务。This is achieved through pipelining at the hardware level.

工业城里会有女性经营的公司和只有女工人的流水线。There will be women-run firms and production lines for women.

这是切割流水线。一个大块儿奶酪被切成一些小的块儿。This is cutting line. A big cheese block was cut into some loaf.

设计主要考虑了流水线操作和并行度处理。Pipelining and parallelism were main consideration of the design.

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流水线相关设备,钣金件的设计与制造。Design, assembly and debug the production line and the sheet metal.

为实现流水线数字信号产生器提供了一种实现方案。An implementation of Pipelined digital signal generator is provided.

需要的是一个流水线化的工具,用来遍历任务结构。What is needed is a streamlined tool to traverse the task structure.

这种情况非常少见,并且大多数时候流水线都可以很好地工作。Such cases are rare, and most of the time pipelining works very well.

设计了一种由TCAM和SRAM分别完成搜索和读结果的查表流水线。A segmental routing lookup pipeline based on TCAM and SRAM is designed.

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农民、卡车司机、流水线工人、维修师等。The farmer, the truck driver, the assembly-line worker, the repairman.�

拥有现代化及先进的一条龙流水线自动生产设备。With modern and advanced automatic production line of one-stop equipment.

本厂拥有国内先进的热压板生产流水线。Our factory has domestic and advanced hot pressing plate production lines.