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我们每天都侍奉黑魔王。We serve the Dark Lord every day.

你们不能又侍奉神,又侍奉玛门。You cannot serve both God and Money.

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一道精致的大菜向君王侍奉。A dainty dish to set before the King.

他们把我放到热水澡盆里,像侍奉国王一样待我。They treat me as a king and put me in a hot tub.

米莎凯治愈这个竭心尽力侍奉你的人吧。Mishakal, heal this man who has served you so well.

当存畏惧侍奉耶和华,又当存战兢而快乐。Serve the LORD with fear, and rejoice with trembling.

圣经上接二连三的要我们“尽心尽意的侍奉主”。Repeatedly, the Bible says to "serve the Lord with all your heart.

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圣经上接二连三的要我们“尽心尽意的侍奉主”。Repeatedly, the Bible says to "serve the Lord with all your heart."

要我想对所有你们这些十几岁的基督徒们说,我们都在侍奉一个了不起的主!To all you Christian teens out there. We are serving an awesome God!

我生活得很舒适,终生有人端着银盘侍奉,就像个波斯帝国的总督。I've had it easy, served up on all life's silver platters like a satrap.

田鼠,田鼠,不要吃我的苗子,我侍奉你多年,你都不曾给我慰藉。Rat, Rat, don't eat my seeding, I serve you many years, you never help me.

同时侍奉上帝和财神的,很快就会发现上帝没了。Those who set out to serve God and Mammon soon discover that there is no God.

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菡萏向长天夸口它的娇美,小草则缄默地侍奉土地。The lotus offers its beauty to the heaven, the grass its service to the earth.

中国传统女子教育的目的是培养能够侍奉公婆、相夫教子的贤妻良母。Therefore, women's football is in conflict with the traditional Chinese culture.

克拉布总是跟着马尔福转,像保镖一样侍奉着他。Crabbe follows Draco Malfoy around and serves as something of a bodyguard for him.

我侍奉的主子富过全世界的国王,拥有他们所有的领土。He whom I serve is richer than all the kings of this world and has their dominions.

多年来我辛苦侍奉你,你却一点也不慰劳我。I have served you for many years , but you are never willing to comfort me even once.

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通常在此期间我比平常侍奉时工作时间更长。I usually work longer hours during writing leave than during regular ministry seasons.

莱斯是和英国打仗的不列塔尼人,经常侍奉在圣女贞德身边。Rais was a Breton who fought against the English, often serving alongside Joan of Arc.

以色列人就除掉诸巴力和亚斯她录,单单地侍奉耶和华。Then the children of Israel did put away Baalim and Ashtaroth, and served the LORD only.