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在此祝贺啦啦生意兴隆!财源滚滚!Good luck in your new business!

另祝您身体健康财源滚滚!Wish you a good health fortune!

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祝你身体健康,财源广进。Wish you both health and wealth.

这个国家的财源殷实吗?Are the country's finances sound?

祝你今年财运亨通,财源不断。May good fortune find you this year.

或者说,“出卖你的灵魂而财源滚滚”。Or “sell your soul and the money follows.

我也祝愿老总事业顺利,财源滚滚。I also wish the boss career, exchequer billow.

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他们将成为家庭的财源。They are becoming the milch cow of the family.

养殖场虽然带来财源,却把海岸破坏了。Fish hatcheries bring wealth but spoil the coast.

岁入来自如下财源。The revenue is derived from the following sources.

在你们每位的家中都有我的财源和贮存的物品。I have my coffer and my store at each of your houses.

现在,他的财源滚滚,生活得可消遥自在啦。Now the money is rolling in and he"s living on easy street."

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祝愿各位同仁财源茂盛、生意兴隆!Wish my colleagues flourishing wealth and a booming business!

在英国,整容手术正成为财源滚滚的牟利行业。Plastic surgery is becoming a billion-pound industry in the UK.

一个有关部长的财源方面的微妙问题使他感到很窘。The tricky question about his finances discomfited the minister.

祝贺诸位牛年大吉!身体健康,财源广进,幸福安康!Best wishes for the Year of Ox! Good health, fortune, and happiness!

最后祝大家生意兴隆,财源广进!Finally, I wish you all business is booming, making plenty of money!

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其次,本文对「无财源提供强制责任改革法」进行分析。Furthermore, this study scrutinizes the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act.

这个给学校提供电脑的合同真是像印钱一样财源滚滚。The contract to supply computers to schools was a licence to print money.

然而,一旦矿藏得到开采,政府将财源滚滚,获得相当丰厚的回报。Yet when it does, the government will reap a considerable revenue windfall.