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如我们仍冥顽不灵,他就会使用电钻了。If we're really stubborn, he uses a jackhammer.

他很容易厌烦,非常容易,那些冥顽不灵的人总使他受不了。He was easily bored, too easily, and dull people always put him out.

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我已经给了你们很多机会投降,但你们还是冥顽不灵!I have given you ample opportunities to surrender, but you have stubbornly refused!

这「白内障」会使我们视力模糊,只看得到会众的冥顽不灵。Cataracts can blur our vision so that we see only a congregation's grumbling stubbornness.

弗波瓦姑娘是她那种人中的典型,是一头冥顽不灵、没有一点聪明的银鼠。Mademoiselle Vaubois, perfect in her style, was the ermine of stupidity without a single spot of intelligence.

尽管美国取得了许多成就,但这个国家很难对挫折、冥顽不灵和愚蠢的错误免疫。Despite America's many successes, the country is hardly immune from setbacks, follies, and boneheaded blunders.

有时一些老贵族,会冥顽不灵,固执己见,试图遏止这些变革力量Sometimes the old aristocracy will be able to hold on for a very long time and to suppress any attempt to change things.

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事实上,若巫统还是冥顽不灵不愿改变,马华将无法扭转这种劣势。But of course, we in the MCA can never hope to achieve a turnaround in public perception if Umno does not actually change.

对于那些冥顽不灵的变形金刚铁杆粉丝来说,加州人德鲁实现了许多变形金刚粉丝的梦想,尽管他已经在美国偶像上震撼了评审并且取得了巨大的成功,而现在他在自己的花园里仅仅用一个初学者的工具盒就做成了这个令人疯狂的汽车人。He's already wowed the judges on American Idol and now he's created the crazy costume in his garage armed with just a beginner's tool box.

况且,在现行的体制下,自然也有应付即使是冥顽不灵的学子,实在无需诉诸谩骂和行为暴力等非理性行为。Besides, even for recalcitrant students, there are provisions under the current system to deal with them. Irrational acts of verbal abuse or even aggression are totally unnecesary.

所谓的“上帝的意愿”经常被用在那些生性懒惰被宿命缠绕和那些冥顽不灵总觉得是“拜上天所赐”的人身上。" That so-called "Will of God" is more often than not either pure laziness on the part of the resigned one or pure cussedness on the part of the one that is "putting something over" on him.

庄道生见蒋宇轩如此冥顽不灵,于是一语道破,其实可心并不需要他的保护,他只是为了满足自己的保护欲才对可心过度保护,他才是一个自私自利的人。Zhuang Daosheng see Jiang Yuxuan so slow-witted, then gave away, in fact can not need his protection, he just to satisfy their own desire to be protected over protection, he is an egoistic person.