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摩尔庄园最新攻略!摩尔谈天说地!Moore Manor latest Raiders! Moore chat!

老年人谈天说地树荫下。Old people talks of everything below shade.

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我们蜷在沙发里谈天说地。We crouched on the sofa, shooting the breeze.

电影结束后,房间充满了谈天说地的闲聊。As the movie came to an end the room filled with chatter.

中间的八角庭里有几个人在谈天说地。The middle octagonal court, there are a few people chatting.

我把你作为我的新朋友,非常希望能和你谈天说地。I very much like talking to you and I consider you my new friend.

酒吧的另一端,站著一羣胖子,高兴地谈天说地。On the other side of the bar, a group of chutes were standing and chatting happily.

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我们在一起,在你的小屋里,谈天说地,吹牛打虎。We are together, in your house, talk of everything under the sun, boasting a tiger.

总以为自己懂很多,整天谈天说地,自命清高。Always thought that to understand a lot of their own, chat all day, pretend to be thou.

用英语谈天说地,本版只能用英语,用中文者扣威望!Please speak in English , whoever speaks in Chinese in this board will lose points! 382

我们只是道路上一同等车的陌生人。相遇之后便谈天说地。We are wait for vehicle's strange together on the path. We meet and talks about this and that.

让我们温馨的聚在一起分享基督的爱、一起谈天说地,以慰乡愁,同享主恩。Let us warm together to share the love of Christ, together with nostalgia, comfort, and enjoy the grace.

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两个女人喋喋不休地谈天说地,而女招待则重手重脚地清理桌子-连台布等都撤下去了。The two women gabbled away twenty to the dozen while the waitress noisily cleared the table -cloth and all.

他教了我一些伊拉克阿拉伯语,还和我一起谈天说地——从政权体系到足球,到美国的生活状况。He helped me with my Iraqi Arabic, and we talked about everything from the regime to soccer to life in the United States.

想起那些曾经在一起谈天说地的朋友,不禁心中酸楚,因为每个人你我的距离甚远。Think of those who once together chat say ground friend, can't help heart sour, because everyone you my distance greatly.

无论是社交场合,还是和朋友谈天说地或者是浪漫的两人世界,雷司令都是最好的选择。Riesling should never be forgotten at social occasions, philosophizing with friends or just at a romantic evening for two.

无论是社交场合,还是和朋友谈天说地或者是浪漫的两人世界,雷司令都是最好的选择。A Riesling should never be forgotten at social occasions, philosophizing with friends or just at a romantic evening for two.

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宴主或坐在茶炊旁饮茶,谈天说地,或围着一个大水烟袋轮流吸烟,欢度良辰。Or sitting next to the main feast samovar tea, chatting, or rotate around a flood pipe smoking, to celebrate a really good time.

原来,后院的生活也可以是这样随意。大人们谈天说地,小孩们打打闹闹。轻松自如的一个夏末周末。Backyard life can be this at will. Grown-ups are talking, children are having fun with each other. This was a relaxed, end of summer weekend.

与她谈天说地,常给你人生的启迪,让你沉静,教你努力,感受到生活的美好与希望。Talking with her often gives you inspiration to life and living , keeps you stillness and work hard, which makes you find beauty and hope to living.