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那指纹是怎么搞上去的?And the fingerprints?

酒杯上的指纹?Fingerprints on the wineglass?

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为机器设备制造数字指纹是合法的。Device fingerprinting is legal.

我在哪里可以打指纹?Where could I take the finger-print?

使用指纹识别器进行解锁。Use the fingerprint reader to unlock.

警察取罪犯的指纹。The police fingerprinted the criminal.

是的,我们可以使指纹无效。Yes, we can invalidate that fingerprint.

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沿着他的锁骨瘀伤有指纹。Fingerprint bruising along his collarbone.

巡官开始搜寻指纹,警察则检查了大门The inspector began to look for fingerprints

和指纹一样,每个人的舌纹和别人的都不同。Tongue prints are as unique as finger-prints.

巡官开始搜寻指纹,警察则检查了大门。Thee inspector began to look for fingerprints.

我不过是摩天大楼上的一个指纹。I'm a thumbprint on the window of a skyscraper.

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他的指纹就是犯罪的明证。His finger-prints were a clear proof of his guilt.

高品质打造中国指纹锁行业品牌!Make the fingerprint lock industry in China brand!

没有人会有相同的指纹或者相同的序号。No person will have the same thumbprint or number.

正如他告诉我的,这些指纹是“令人触目惊心的伪造品。”As he told me, the fingerprints “screamed forgery.”

在静脉注射管上没有杰克逊的指纹。No Jackson fingerprints were found on IV equipment.

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警察唯有一个指纹印可作线索。The police have only one fingerprint to hang on to.

在阳光下玻璃杯上的指纹显得更清楚了。The fingertips on the glass show up in the sunlight.

警察只有一个指纹印可作线索。Thee police have only one fingerprint to hang on to.