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我家小狗狗喜欢冲我摇尾巴。My puppy likes to wag his tail at me.

建立一个志同道合的企业家小群体Form a small group of like-minded business owners

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我家小猫毫不畏惧毒蝎,将其活活吃掉!My little cat ate the live scorpion without fear!

还有,泽宇哥你可不能欺负人家小诗。Still have, Ze elder brother Yu can not humiliate somebody else small poem.

CListCtrl一个很好的例子,可以提家小图标的,上下换行的。CListCtrl a good example, he can ask a small icon, and up and down the line.

想要看海又不想晕船,就找个偏远的海岛开家小店吧。For ocean views without the motion sickness, set up shop on a remote island.

确定没有危险之后,闷油瓶才同意让他家小天真进入墓室。Affirming that no risk was around, Kylin allowed his Naivete to go to the vault.

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那儿还有家小点的店,非连锁店面,全有机食品,互惠贸易的咖啡,可能你会更喜欢?Or maybe there’s a smaller, non-chain, all-organic, fair trade café you’d prefer?

火焰将斯蒂夫家小屋子上的横梁烧焦了。The flames licked at the burned and charred support beams of Steve's little home.

经营着家小酒馆,专门为保险企业家们服务,正思量着搬到瑞典去。Hugh Osmond , the pubs to insurance entrepreneur, is thinking about a move to Switzerland.

谢谢您的好意,但是,要是我们家小蜗牛娶了蚁后的话,他会被那些蚂蚁吃掉的。Thank you for your kindness, but our baby will be eaten by ants if he marries to the queen ant.

不晓得是谁家小朋侪弄丢了,很欠美意思,我没有打德律风归去再找这位小密斯。I don't know which little girl might have lost it, and sheepishly I neglect to call to find out.

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这地方实在漂亮,所以许多人都把他们的家小搬来居住。This place is really beautiful, and many people bring their wives and families out here to live.

狗,显然是可以吃饭的,你给你家小狗一碗饭一碗肉,你看看它选什么?A dog can eat regular meals, yet what if you give it a bowl of regular feed and meat at one time?

为“施家小馆”提供海产品的鲜家暗恋木倩,一直默默为木倩付出。As a small house shi qian provide seafood fresh home like wood, has been quietly pay for wood qian.

我小时候最喜欢吃的是巴迪和奥莉家的饭菜,大家围坐在他们家小厨房的一张大桌子旁。My favorite childhood meals were at Buddy and Ollies, eating around a big table in their small kitchen.

天兰偶遇木倩,得知木倩就是“施家小馆”的老板娘,恨得咬牙切齿。Days orchid encounter wood qian that wood qian is the wife of shop-owner small pavilion, hate her teeth.

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“你不能用昨天晚上的同一个盘子,”我家小妮子愤怒道。“这是无视对孩子的服务。”"You can't serve the same plates from last night, " my teenager raged. "That's against child services. "

我家小保姆因嫁人离开我家后,我每周找小时工来打扫房间。After our young domestic help left us for marriage, I relied on hourly workers to clean my house every week.

嗯,先生,我们打算大家小聚一番,不知道你和夫人能不能赏光?Well, Mr. Gaul, we are planning to have a casual get-together, and I wonder if you and Mrs. Gaul can join us.