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压条是粮食增产的一种方式。Layer is a method for propagating crops.

以期对粮食生产的保产、增产有所帮助。Hope it would help to increase grain yield.

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拔节孕穗肥施氮比例增加,增产效果最好。The N at jointing-booting stage increased yield evidently.

我国必须力求农业增产。Our country must drive at increasing agricultural production.

酸化是油水井常用的增产增注措施。Acidizing is common applied in stimulation in oil and water well.

评价了蜂茧的产量、质量及苜蓿种子增产的效益。The production and quality of alfalfa leafcutter bee were estimated.

可为增产节约、增收节支提供途径。It is conducive to increasing production and practising strict economy.

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介绍了LTB-1型增产丙烯助剂在催化裂化装置上的应用情况。The application of assistant LTB-1 in a commercial FCCU were introduced.

看看这张照片,除了增产以外,关键是没有畸型果啊!Look at this picture, in addition to yield, the key is no abnormal fruit!

增产的主要原因是单株成铃数的增加。The mature boll number accounts was the main reason of yield improvement.

坡缕石包衣尿素能有效促进春小麦增产。Palygorskite coated urea can effectively improve the yield of spring wheat.

一些炼油厂缺少过剩产能来吸收欧佩克增产的那些油。Refineries lack the excess capacity to absorb the kind of oil Opec produces.

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结果表明,滴灌随水追肥技术有明显的增产节肥作用。Results showed that drip fertilization had the significant effects on yield.

注CO2在这两方面都对煤层气的开采具有增产作用。CO2 injection works on increasing yeild of CBM extraction from both two sides.

化肥和杀虫剂是由石油制取的,可以使农作物增产。Fertilizers and insecticides made from petroleum can improve crop production.

间作多熟种植是干旱地区最具增产潜力的栽培模式。Intercropping is the most potential for increasing grain yield in arid regions.

在现有的水肥条件下,冬小麦和夏玉米有较大的增产潜力。Both of winter wheat and summer corn has still great potential to increase yield.

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在此情况下,各种增产丙烯的技术也发展迅速。In this case, all kinds of propylene production technology are developing rapidly.

油气藏增产措施优选是一个多目标决策问题。Optimizing the reservoir stimulation is an issue concerning multi-target decision.

结果表明,秸秆覆盖有明显的增产效果。Results showed that mulched treatments had significant effect on increasing yield.