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黏土佛像碎裂了。The clay Buddha has chipped off.

春天浮冰碎裂了。In spring the ice- floes break up.

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古城堡的墙在碎裂。The old castle walls are crumbling.

地板上有一个碎裂的咖啡杯。A broken coffee cup is on the floor.

它们变了颜色但却没有碎裂。They changed colour, but did not break.

如碎裂的闪电和轰雷一声,巨熊显然是个掠夺者。Shred lightning and rayl, the bear is a taker.

寄生虫的碎裂可能导致过敏反应。Rupture of the parasite may result in anaphylaxis.

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玄武岩已经碎裂了,形成了所谓的“宪兵”Basalt has crumbled out and formed so-called “gendarme”

对于雕刻件它是极好的,因为它几乎不碎裂。It is excellent to carve as it hardly splinters at all.

碎裂了,他心脏的血与地上的泥泞混在一起。Smashed, mix his heart's blood with the mire of the land.

那晚喂它们,骨头的碎裂声清晰可见。That night, when they feed, I can hear the crunch of bone.

春天来了,河上的冰开始碎裂。The ice on the river begins to break up when spring comes.

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占领紧随其后的分别是赤字、碎裂、雄蜂和非素食。Occupy was followed by deficit, fracking, drone, and non-veg.

一旦生了锈,就无法再使用了,要是无法再用,我就会碎裂。Once rusty, you can not re-use, and if not then, I will shatter.

优胜美地的断崖就是这样一种岩石碎裂的例子。The shear cliff at Yosemite is an example of such rock breakage.

可能会从管道上脱离并碎裂的热水器。Water heaters that could be pulled away from pipes and rupture.

大多数西方人,都已跌入到Anu人的碎裂梦想当中。Most of the West has fallen into the fractured dreams of the Anu.

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玻璃材质盘片在受到冲击时容易刮伤和碎裂。Glass disks are susceptible to scratching and fracture under shock.

如果加太多硼砂,混合物会因为太脆而容易碎裂。If you add too much borax the mixture will be crumbly and fall apart.

但在打斗场景里,我们需要突出渲染那些碎裂和砍杀的声音。But in a fight scene, we want our crunches and slashes to command attention.