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反对澳大利亚的涂鸦在首都帝力各处喷涂。Anti-Australia graffiti is sprinkled around the capital, Dili.

本周于帝力上映的新片引起了澳方对此事的再次关注。A new film, shown this week in Dili, has reignited the affair in Australia.

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下周,预计将有更多的杀虫剂和杀幼虫剂运抵帝力。Additional insecticides and larvicides are expected to reach Dili next week.

在乐施会支持下,当地妇女成立的手工艺品企业的业务得以改进,她们有能力购买所需的材料,最近更在首都帝力举办首次、为期四天的工艺品展览。With the support of Oxfam, the women in the bairo have strengthened their handicrafts enterprise.

数以千计的民众周四在东帝汶的首都帝力欢迎拉莫思.奥尔塔总统归来。Thousands of people greeted President Ramos-Horta as he arrived in the East Timorese capital, Dili, Thursday.

帝力工商界人士达席尔瓦说,对总统的刺杀图谋令人感到震惊Dili businessman, Alchino da Silva, says the apparent assassination attempt o the president has come as a shock.

六个60岁的父亲说,他去了在东帝汶首都帝力的医生,但没有可用的治疗。The 60-year-old father of six says he went to a doctor in the East Timor capital, Dili, but no treatment was available.

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来自帝力的报导说,在枪战中,总统拉莫斯-奥尔塔被枪弹击中胸部。他在帝力的一家医院接受了紧急手术后被送到澳大利亚接受进一步治疗。The president is said to be in a stable condition and is expected to be flown to Darwin in northern Australia for further treatment.

世界卫生组织在管理登革热和登革出血热以及确定干预措施以高危地区为目标方面正在向帝力国家医院提供支持。WHO is providing support to the Dili National Hospital in the management of dengue and DHF and in targeting interventions in high-risk areas.

在帝力开车尤其危险,大卡车、军车和小贩、行人、牲畜在马路上互相挤来挤去。Driving in Dili is especially hazardous, with large trucks and military vehicles sharing the streets with vendors, pedestrians, and livestock.

东帝汶的总统批评澳大利亚领导的国际部队没能抓获2月在首都帝力他的住宅外向他开枪射击的反叛分子。East Timor's president has criticized Australian-led forces for failing to capture the rebels who shot him outside his home in Dili last month.

杀虫剂喷洒已覆盖超过2000个家庭,并且在帝力和包考正在进行补充喷洒和幼虫控制。Insecticide spraying has covered more than 2000 households in high-risk areas, and additional spraying and larval control are underway in Dili and Baucau.

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东帝汶外交部长扎卡里亚斯.德.科斯塔说,帝力的局势平静,但他强调说,东帝汶处在一个极为脆弱的地位。East Timor's foreign minister, Zacarias de Costa, said the situation in Dili is calm, but he stressed that his country is in an extremely fragile position.

美国地质监测预计,里氏6.2级的地震袭击了距汶帝力国首都东帝东北部160英里的印度尼西亚班达海六米深的海域。The 6.2 magnitude tremor struck 160 miles northeast of the capital, Dili, in Indonesia's Banda Sea at a depth of 6 miles, the U. S. Geological Survey said.

2002年5月18日,应邀出席东帝汶独立庆典的中国外交部长唐家璇在帝力与东帝汶过渡内阁外长霍塔举行会谈,就东帝汶独立后双边关系的发展深入务实地交换了意见,取得重要共识。On May 19, 2002, Foreign Minister Tang Jiaxuan, who was attending the independence ceremony of East Timor in Dili, held a meeting with UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan.

他先前是帝力军警司令,曾经发动试图推翻东帝力政府的造反行动,在2006年被起诉,罪名是参与制造反叛军人和警察之间的战斗。The former military police chief had led a revolt against East Timor's government and had been indicted for his alleged role in fighting between rebel troops and police in 2006.

此外,世卫组织和卫生部就早期诊断、转诊程序和临床管理为来自帝力和其它省的医生和护士举办了实用培训研讨会。In addition, WHO and the Ministry of Health conducted practical training seminars on early diagnosis, referral procedures and clinical management to doctors and nurses from Dili and other provinces.