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或是因为两兄弟间的争权夺利?Or because the struggle for power between the two brothers?

野心家在那儿争权夺利,他们不会随之起舞。They don't scramble against careerists for interest and power.

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本剧斥责了为争权夺利而不断打斗的各政治派别和出卖巴勒斯坦人的阿拉伯人。It assails the factions for fighting and the Arabs for selling out the Palestinians.

联合计划的出现只不过是统治者转移国内危机,争权夺利和控制他国的工具。The united plans is the tool that the rulers divert crisis and control other countries.

在罗马共和国后期,宗教被政治家扭曲并滥用,成了他们争权夺利的工具。In late Republic, religion is abused by statesmen and thus becomes a tool used to fight for power.

但不同党羽争权夺利时,有军队做后盾就很关键。However, when different factions jockey fiercely for power, the support of the military is crucial.

我们发现了很多上层军官的放荡行为,为了争权夺利不惜鱼肉百姓。We watched a lot of soldiers in the upper ranks behaving immorally, harming people because they wanted power.

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中国人就是那样毫无原因地互相争权夺利和猜疑仇恨。Quite unaccountably, the Chinese fought among themselves for power and money, suspecting and hating each other.

许多政客关心的主要是为自己争权夺利,很少想到为公众谋福利。Many politicians are less concerned with working for the good of the citizens than with scheming for personal right.

郭松龄反奉并非偶然发生的事件,也并非奉系内部争权夺利斗争或郭松龄个人恩怨的发泄。The event was not a happenstance , and was not contended for power and profit or Guo Songling's personal enmity also.

违背集体民主权力规则,是整天都在为了争权夺利而闹情绪、搞攻击等,那是不规范的民主自由。Being depressed or aggressive for rights is a violation of communal democratic rights rules. It is nonstandard democratic freedom.

卫生保健的消费者与提供者以及医生们的争权夺利毫无关系,这就意味着成本不会被限制住。The disconnect between the consumers of health care and the providers, and the political clout of doctors, means that costs cannot be contained.

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这一次,鸠山承诺要让内阁掌握政策控制权,避开长期祸害日本各界政府的争权夺利问题。This time, Hatoyama has pledged to keep control of policy in the hands of the cabinet to avoid the haggling that has long plagued Japanese governments.

如果民众不安分,私欲就会产生,争权夺利的祸患就随之而起了。When the people stimulate each other to frivolity and extravagance, the misfortunes that come with the desiring mind and of the competition to seize things arise.

她写道,在贫穷国家,“民主政权发现其难以在多党竞争及争权夺利中推行有利于经济的法令。”In poor countries, she writes, “democratic regimes find it difficult to push through economically beneficial legislation amid rival parties and jockeying interests.”

以后,议会成为军阀争权夺利的工具,发生了被长征饭店作“猪仔议会”的贿选总统的丑闻。Then parliament became a mere instrument for warlords in power struggle, and there occurred the scandal of the "parliament of pigs" and bribery in electing a president.

他消失了,带着他争权夺利的计划,他虐待麻瓜的阴谋,还有他寻找死亡圣器的梦想,而我曾经在这些梦想上鼓励和帮助过他。He vanished, with his plans for seizing power, and his schemes for Muggle torture, and his dreams of the Deathly Hallows, dreams in which I had encouraged him and helped him.