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施历时避开眼部唇部和口部。Keep wy from eyes, lips nd mouth.

这场关于自治的争论历时长久。The argument over self-rule is long.

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这部巨著历时十年方始告成。This magnum opus took ten years to complete.

抵制历时三八二天。The boycott lasted three hundred eighty-two days.

日全食历时最长的一次是百年难遇。Total solar eclipse to come, longest in 500 years.

中国历时12年调查新发现矿产地900余处。China found 900 mineral locations in past 12 years.

该胜利经历了历时五天的五轮投票。The victory took five rounds of voting over five days.

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简约是语言历时演变的一种趋势。Reduction is a trend of language diachronic evolvement.

约翰即将展开一场历时九周的全国巡回演讲。John's about to start a nine-week national speaking tour.

这一条例起草时间历时五年之久。The regulations have taken more than five years to draft.

好,现在我们回到了语言的同步分析和历时分析上。All right. I need to come back to synchrony and diachrony.

该馆在经过历时三年的漫长修缮后刚刚开放,是中国游客最想去的地点之一。Having just opened its doors after an epic-long three-year

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你会进入一个历时很长的、令人沮丧的失败周期。You may be months into a long depressing cycle of failure.

他的上诉历时14年,但这起案件截然不同。His appeal took 14 years but this case is totally different.

这项堆山造景工程已经历时20余年,全面工程竣工于2005年。This project took over 20 years, which was finished in 2005.

仙姑顶名胜风景区,历时三年精建而成。Xiangu top scenic spot, took three years to build from fine.

这是他为了迎接新中国60华诞,历时3个多月,用5.5公斤碎头发制作的。It took him more than 3 months to make it from 5.5kg of hair.

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有5万4千多名美国军人在历时三年的那场战争中献身。More than 54, 000 U.S. soldiers died in the three-year conflict.

由秦历西汉、新莽、东汉诸王朝,迄于公元221年,共历时441年。It had been 441 years from Qin Dynasty to East Han , since 220 B.

这次演讲是历时五分钟的政治广播。The speech in question was a five-minute party political broadcast.