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顽皮大胆的小学生会往上爬。Adventurous schoolboys climbed up them.

请尽快在学生会壁报上报名!Please sign up at the notice board ASAP!

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会长请你们到学生会报道。President please you to student reports.

一些学生会去,但数量不多。Some students will go, but not the masses.

“我当选过学生会主席,”他说。"I was elected all-school president," he says.

附件是我们学生会的会章,供大家参考。Attached is the SU Constitution for your reference.

澳门大学学生会健身会保留一切最终决定权。Fitness Club of UMSU reserved all the legal rights.

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梁金成可以向他们咨询一些学生会里的工作事宜。Liang can consult them about the work at the union.

优秀的学生会得到免费去中国旅行的机会。The best students get to go on paid trips to China.

梁金成想去校学生会工作。Liang wants to work at the Student Union at college.

她呀,“花瓶”一个,不能做学生会会长。She is too much of an airhead to be school president.

学生会组织了一次英语演讲比赛。The Student Union organized an English speech contest.

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学生会正在开展一场反作弊运动。The Student Union is waging a campaign against cheating.

休息好和放松后,学生会更加努力学习。After good relaxation and rest, studens will work harder.

学生会收到中英对照的题目。The students receive the questions in English and Chinese.

为什么学生会从楼上向楼下男教师吐口水?Why do students upstairs to downstairs spit male teachers?

学生会代表着这学校里全体学生的利益。The students union represents all the students in the school.

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今晚学生会将召开迎新晚会。Students' Union will give a party to welcome the new students.

学生会独立于学院当局。The student union is run independently of college authorities.

学生们承认学生会的权威。The students acknowledged the authority of the student council.