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那是约定俗成的That is a matter of convention.

财产既是自然权利,但也有约定俗成的一面。Property is natural in one sense but conventional in another.

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在那种场合,穿外套系领带是约定俗成的穿着要求。Wearing a coat and tie is an accepted convention on such an occasion.

传、记与辞章属于不同的文体类型,各有其约定俗成的写作惯例。Biography is a different style from ode which has its own characteristic.

殖民地所有那些已经约定俗成的规矩,他从上岛伊始就表示了蔑视。He showed his defiance of all conventional rules by the manner of his entry.

像是一个约定俗成,这里的亚洲高山草原特色菜是羊肉和马肉。As a rule, dishes on the Asian steppes and mountains feature mutton or horse.

另一条约定俗成的看法是,每个人都能说出一些有价值的话。Another convention was the idea that everyone had something worthwhile to say.

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很明显,有时候,破除约定俗成的东西是必要且有益的。Obviously, there are times that bucking convention is necessary and beneficial.

使用电梯时,有约定俗成的正确的和错误的行为。There are proscribed "right" and "wrong" ways to behave when using an elevator.

禁忌是关于神圣或不洁的约定俗成的一种禁制。Taboo is a custom of prohibition as considering holiness or unholiness of something.

这里所指纹饰的含义首要是指约定俗成的传统含义。Here refers to the meaning of grain first refers to the established traditional meaning.

这个工具又是人们在长期的社会历史生活实践中约定俗成的。This tool was established by the people in long-term social and historical life practices.

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非存在的空无是约定俗成的理解,我们这样的代替能自圆其说吗?Is it in any way legitimate to substitute for the proven apprehension of the non-existence?

当你想解决一些问题,而这些问题还没有约定俗成的解决办法时,都会显得很另类。It always will when you're trying to solve problems where there are no customs yet to guide you.

随着时间的流逝,逐渐地,符号不仅变得归化,而且也约定俗成了。With the passing of time, signs easily become not only naturalized, but conventionalized as well.

在构建基于SOA的企业应用方面,SCA提供了一组约定俗成的规范。SCA provides a prescriptive set of specifications on how to build SOA-based enterprise applications.

行者的明信片恰似传统的爱情十四行诗,已获得本身约定俗成的程式。Like the traditional love sonnet, the traveler's postcard has acquired its own ritualized conventions.

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我们也经常听到许多类似的说法,这一点其实也已经成了暴雪制作游戏时的约定俗成的准则了。We have all heard sayings similar to this, hell, it is even one of the rules Blizzard makes its games by.

在我们的日常生活中,男左女右,好像约定俗成地渗透到了我们社会生活的各个方面。In our daily life, male, female right left conventional permeated our land like all aspects of social life.

来自四乡的农民把他们的蔬菜水果带到石码来,在约定俗成的街道两旁摆摊,就成了市场。Peasants form neighboring villages brought their produce to Shima, lined up the streets, and formed the market.