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一般的工作餐多在午间进行。General lunch at noon in more.

在每一个早晨、午间和夜晚。every morning, noon and night.

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从12点到1点我们有1小时午间休息时间。We have an hour-long lunch break from 12 to 1.

但是,仍然有一种称为“午间危机”的玩意儿潜伏在四周,你经历过没有?This kind of situation is called "mid-day crisis".

处暑牵来秋老虎,早晚不见午间出。The scorching, sooner or later, see him out at noon autumn.

你必在午间摸索,好像瞎子在暗中摸索一样。At midday you will grope about like a blind man in the dark.

官员们说,这些乘客周日午间前一直在自我隔离。They had been under self-quarantine until noon Sunday, they said.

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午间适当小睡可以让你精力充沛。A catnap in the middle of the day, for instance, can be energizing.

截至周四午间,沃利斯仍被拘押,此前他并未受到指控。He remained in custody as of midday Thursday and hadn't been charged.

午间特别套餐88元,包含一杯咖啡或茶任您选择。Choice of 2 courses lunch at RMB 88, including a cup of coffee or tea.

周日午间,建筑物变黑的框架仍在冒烟。At noon on Sunday, blackened shells of buildings were still smoldering.

干旱胁迫加重了午间光合作用的光抑制。Drought stress aggravated the photoinhibition of photosynthesis at noon.

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这幅画的画面设计成一个年轻的割禾人在午间休息。The painting is organized about a young reaper enjoying his noonday rest.

他们白昼遇见黑暗,午间摸索如在夜间。They meet with darkness in the day time, and grope in the noonday as in the night.

午间,飞鸟衔落的小种子掉到大龟王的背上,哔剥!In the afternoons, the birds flew over, dropping tiny seeds onto the turtle's back.

欧元走强及美元走软是豆价午间反弹及最终高收的主要因素。S. dollar were the main contributors to soybeans' midday resurgence and higher close.

入店偷窃时,我会穿的很时髦,挎着干净的背包,就像我是正在午间休息的白领。I'd go out smartly dressed with an immaculate bag, looking like I was on my lunch break.

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光合速率午间下降主要是由非气孔因素引起的。The "midday reductio" of photosynthesis rate was mainly induced by non-stomatal factors.

从12点到1点我们有1小时午间休息时间。我们白天有工间休息时间。We have an hour-long lunch break from 12 to 1. We can take coffee breaks during the day.

但有时因日程安排较紧,也有在午间举行正式宴请的。But sometimes because the schedule is tight, and there have been held a formal dinner at noon.