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也可以代加工一些小五金配件!Can also be processing hardware accessories!

我们对你们的小五金很感兴趣。We are very much interested in your hardware.

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卷帘门、小五金、装潢材料。Screens doors, hardware, decorating materials.

我们了解到你们专营小五金的出口。We have come to know that you specialize in export of hardware.

五金工具系列以异型油灰刀、抹泥刀、小五金为主。Hardware tools to Shaped putties knives, hand mud knives, hardware-based.

有色金属材料,包装材料,建筑小五金,批发零售。Nonferrous materials, packaging materials, metal construction, wholesale and retail.

适合饼干、糕点、带托盘的物料、小五金等块状物品的包装。For biscuits, cakes, with a tray of materials, hardware items such as bulk packaging.

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本公司成立于2006年,位于中国有小五金之乡之称金利镇,吉安五金厂。Thepany bec in 2006, is located in China have called the hardware factory township positions.

铁艺加工,小五金配件加工,汽车运输。加工,制造。Tieyi processing, metal processing accessories, motor transport. Processing and manufacturing.

毫无疑问,你们的产品质量很好,但小五金市场的竞争也很激烈。No doubt that yours is of high quality, but still, there is keen competition in the hardware market.

本公司成立于2006年,位于中国有小五金之乡之称金利镇吉安五金厂。The company became in 2006, is located in China have called the hardware factory township positions.

一会儿,杰伊拿着螺丝刀把门上的小五金零件卸下了。About one minute later, Jay was at her door with screwdriver in hand and took the door off the hinges.

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我呢,有打泡器、打蛋器、嫩肉板、多功能刀,以及其它一些厨房小五金。I own a frother, a whisk, a meat tenderizer, a multi-cutter, and a few more kitchen tools and gadgets.

开利五金厂位于广东高要金利镇---著名的中国小五金生产基地。Kai Lir hardware factory in Guangdong Jinli Town, Gaoyao --- the famous hardware production base in China.

我公司主要致力于外贸业务,小五金、五金配件的代加工为辅!Our company mainly engaged in foreign trade business, hardware, hardware accessories processing as a supplement!

广泛应用于冷凝管、散热器、奖章、水管、弹壳、纸网、乐器、深冲件、电气元件、小五金、船舶工业等。It is widely used in condenser pipes, radiator, electric and gas elements, little hardware, watercraft and so on.

适用于医药版块、大密丸药版、饼干、面包、小月饼、日用品、小五金等各类,较有规则的物品包装。It is suitable for pharmaceutical industry, large density capsule, biscuits, bread, moon-cake, daily, and other regular shape.

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分析了小五金产品滚镀黄铜层易产生棕黑斑点的原因,论述了黄铜层出现棕黑斑点是零件基材腐蚀的开始。Causes of brown or black spots in brass barrel plating of small hardware were analyzed and some counter measures were put forward.

大小五金,钢材,不锈钢材,建筑材料,炼油器材及船舶用品等。Steel Products, Hardware, Stainless Steel, Copper & Brass Products, Building Materials, Oil-Refinery Equipment and Ship-chandlers.

施工中所消耗的电线、小五金螺丝、水泥、黄砂等难以明确计算的材料。Screw of the electrical wiring that uses up in construction, metal fittings, cement, Huang Sha make clear calculative material hard.