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设计与科技室是装备精良。D&T Room is well-equipped.

一部充满感情、打造精良的骗术影片。A well-crafted grifter tale with heart.

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这些空降部队装备精良。The paratroops were armed to the teeth.

欧迈企业的产品精良,实用。Oumai enterprise products well, practical.

祝新年高兴,并致以精良的祝福。With securest wishes for a cheerful New Year!

学校的体育器材配备精良。The school is well equipped with sports goods.

那种材料精良超过其他所有材料。That material surpasses all others in fineness.

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这是一个令人难以置信的制作精良的旁路剪。This is one incredibly well-made bypass pruner.

然而,只有经过精良制作的物品才能美。But only well-executed objects can be beautiful.

他们说,卡扎菲的军队装备更加精良。The Gaddafi troops are better equipped they say.

阅读精良作品能使你修心养性。Reading the best authors can cultivate your mind.

它的产品设计精良而且经久耐用。Its products are well-engineered and built to last.

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近一个精良的生活与手动泵,就像伊甸园正在筹商。Living near a well with anyoneuis pump is like in Eden.

该岛国拥有一支装备精良的海军作保卫。The island country is defended with a well- equipped navy.

我偏好功能性与品质精良的工艺。My reserch favours functionality and quality craftsmanship.

你们的敌人训练有素,装备精良,久经沙场。Your enemy is wel1-trained, wel1-equipped, and battle-hardened.

你们的敌人训练有素,装备精良,久经沙场。〕。Your enemy is wel1-trained, wel1-equipped, and battle-hardened.

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商队骑马民兵以长剑作战,他们装备精良,但训练较差。Poorly trained, but well equipped cavalry who fight with a sword.

他们身穿精良皮甲或链甲,手持战盾进行防御。To defend they have good leather or light chain shirt and shield.

致以最精良的祝福,原你新年高兴美满。With very securest wishes for your hinstanceiness in the NewYear.