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母鸡用翅膀保护鸡雏。The chickens gathered under the hen.

新生小鸡雏的性别是很难判断的。It's difficult to sex newborn chicks.

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鸡雏破壳而出来到了这个世界。The chick breaks his way out into the world.

母鸡用翅膀维护鸡雏。The hen sheltered her chickens under her wings.

这只鸡雏刚出生没多久,走路还不稳当呢。This chick was born not long ago, and is not even able to walk steadily.

那个真实的她,像在蛋壳里窒息得过久的鸡雏,渐渐苏醒过来。The real one, like a cheeper chicken suffocated in the egg, came to herself.

假如像我这样年纪的人晚上想吃鸡雏色拉,能行不能行呢?If people of my age WILL eat chicken-salad in the evening what are they to expect?

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在发病期鸡雏粪便中的卵囊数量,一个时期多以一种球虫占有绝对优势。In the period the number of sacs in chicken feces, a period in a more ball possession of absolute advantage.

我们的两匹母鸡和几只鸡雏,先先后后地从邻寺的墓地里跑回来了。Our two mother hens and their baby chicks were scurrying homewards one after another from the graveyard of the nearby monastery.

摄取食物的时候,它们自己也决不肯先吃,只是咯咯地唤着鸡雏。Absorb the food moment , their self is agreeing to eat first also by no means , the cackle field is calling the chicken young out only.

活在蛋壳里的鸡雏不知道另外的世界,壳壁透进来一片白茫茫,然而它不知道那是光,只是敲打着白壁,不明所以。The living chick in the shell has known no other world. Through the wall comes a whiteness, but he does not know it is light. Yet he taps at the white wall, not knowing why.

鹿茸精是从鹿茸提取的有效成份,经临床观察,本品有促进全身细胞新陈代谢,增加白细胞及增强血液凝固力等作用。本文报道了鹿茸精注射液对鸡雏冠及体重的影响。Pantocrine tends to stimulate cell metabolism in organism and increase weight and cockscomb of chicken. Pantocrine also is a powerful tonic. It is good for sexual disorders and weakness.

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睡眠或者下雨的时候,要把自己的鸡雏抱在自己的胸协下,可怜胸脯上的羽毛要抱到一根也没有的程度。When sleep possibly rains, ask the feather self chicken young is carried in breast on self assisting down , pitiful chest chest to need to adopt a baby to the degree not also one having.