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坏血病是缺乏什么维生素?。Scorbutic be what to vitamin lack?

如果担心坏血病也可以添加一些切碎的香菜。Those fearing scurvy might add some chopped parsley too.

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人类缺乏维生素C会引起坏血病,最终导致死亡。In humans, vitamin C deficiency causes scurvy, and can eventually cause death.

例如,在年龄的赛欧,坏血病是虎山与柠檬和柠檬汁。For example, in the age of the sail, scurvy was kept away with lemons and limes.

就是这些不起眼的植物,挽救了远古生活在这里的人们的生命,使他们告别了坏血病的折磨。Since the old times these leaves have saved people living on Kamchatka from scurvy.

当身体内补充了适量的维生素C,坏血病就不治而愈了。When the body to add the appropriate amount of vitamin C, scurvy is not the more the rule.

维他命可利于治疗一些疾病,如坏血病,眼痛,脚气病和软骨病等。Vitamins contribute in some way to such diseases as scurvy, sore eyes, beriberi and rickets.

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现在,严重的坏血病已经很少见了,即使是严重病例,只要补充足够的维生素C,通常几天内即可奏效。Full-blown scurvy is. now rare, and adequate vitamin C usually cures even severe cases in days.

维生素摄入不足能导致坏血病、皮肤炎或干燥、鳞状皮肤之类的问题。Not eating enough of them can result in problems such as scurvy, dermatitis or dry, scaly skin.

抗坏血酸又称维生素C,是一种抗溢血,治坏血病的重要物质。Ascorbic acid, also known as vitamin C, is a kind of hemorrhage cure scurvy, the important matter.

而坏血病就是由于缺乏维他命而导致的,会引起皮疹,牙周病的症状,口臭就更不在话下。Without the vitamin, scurvy would bring on rashes and gum disease, not to mention very bad breath.

坏血病的症状是牙龈肿胀、牙齿松动、皮肤和黏膜出血。Scurvy is marked by spongy gums, loosening of the teeth, and a bleeding into the skin and mucous membranes.

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维生素C在维持健康方面起了重要的作用,长期缺乏将引起坏血病,最终导致死亡。Vitamin C plays a critical role in health, and a prolonged deficiency leads to scurvy and eventually to death.

做为前往印度的中转站,莫桑比克同样是数以百计罹患疟疾和坏血病的葡萄牙牺牲品的坟墓。Way station en route to India, Mozambique was also a graveyard for hundreds of Portuguese victims of malaria and scurvy.

低水平的铜含量与智力迟钝,皮肤脱色,贫血,张力减退和坏血病有关。Low levels of copper have been associated with mental retardation, depigmentation, anaemia, hypotonia and scorbutic changes in bone.

他们中的许多人死于坏血病,这种疾病的血液造成牙龈红肿,铁青白色斑点的肉和一般用尽。Many of them died of scurvy , a disease of the blood which causes swollen gums, livid white spots on the flesh and general exhaustion.

草莓除了可以预防坏血病外,对防治动脉硬化、冠心病也有较好的功效。Strawberry besides can prevent scorbutic outside, also have better effect to arteriosclerosis of prevention and cure, coronary heart disease.

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缺乏某些有机化合物,能引起婴儿智力迟钝、佝偻病、脚气病、失明、坏血病和其它许多疾病。Deficiencies in certain organic chemicals can cause mental retardation in babies, rickets, beriberi, blindness, scurvy and many other diseases.

防治坏血病,预防冠心病及各种急慢性传染病的辅助治疗。For the treatment and prevention of scurvy and coronary heart disease. For the adjuvant therapy of various acute and chronic infectious diseases.

任一种产于北欧的岩荠属植物,尤指岩荠,叶子带有强烈的气味,过去用于治疗坏血病。Any of various plants of the genus Cochlearia, especially C. officinalis, of northern Europe, having pungent foliage and formerly used to cure scurvy.