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出口自动许可证号。Automatic export licence No.

没有许可证不准入内。No entrance without a permit.

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一证券商许可证影本。Copy of securities firm permit.

你有在湖里捕鱼的许可证吗?。Have you a permit to fish in the lake?

更大资料量的许可证的价格将单独报价。Larger data-volume pricing is by quote.

实施进入有限空间前,预先回顾许可证。Review entry permit prior to making CSE.

港水密度不同的许可证。Permits different harbor water densities.

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第三部分为许可证水权的优先权。The third part is water-rights priorities.

当前的H.264免费许可证,将于2010年12月31日当期。The current license ends December 31, 2010.

所有工作许可证者必须置于工作区域内。All permits must be posted in the work area.

而森林许可证并没有删除傻瓜们。Forest clearance hasn't been removed A-Holes.

这项新法律简直成了为逃税者开的许可证。This new law amounts to a tax evader's charter.

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避免为不同的多核芯片采用不同的许可证机制Avoids fractional licensing for multi-core chips

到目前为止,克利夫顿市今年总共发放了3756张养犬许可证。Clifton has issued 3,756 dog licenses this year.

房利美和房地美有印钱的许可证。Fannie and Freddie had a license to print money.

这项技术对许可证持有人有多重要?How important is the technology to the licensor?

应该吊销拉里·金的结婚许可证吗?Should Larry King's Marriage License Be Revoked?

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您必须获得发布这样的键的许可证。You must acquire a license to publish such keys.

如果你想持有一支枪,你必须弄一张许可证。You must get a permit if you want to keep a gun.

到目前为止,克利夫顿市今年总共发放了3756张养犬许可证。Clifton has issued 3, 756 dog licenses this year.