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是啊!离开了故园,独自天涯远引。Oh! How far you , are from home.

猎手从山岭回到了故园。And the hunter home from the hill.

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故园今夜里,应念未归人。Hometown Tonight, the people did not return to be read.

我们说,这样的气氛,就如同在蒙古故园的家里。We said, the ambiance, just like in home of Mongolia homeland.

故园从现场拍摄在霍华德城堡内部。A scene from Brideshead Revisited shot in a Castle Howard interior.

故国山川,故园心眼,还似王粲登楼。The mountains and rivers, hometown of heart, also like Wang de lou.

此夜曲中闻折柳,何人不起故园情。In this nocturne Wen Zheliu, who doesn't have the native place sentiment.

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就是在这里,“故园风雨后”和“搏击俱乐部”中令人疲惫的世界相会。It is here that Brideshead Revisited meets the frazzled world of Fight Club.

提笔的瞬间,思绪就已回到了故园的秋。Pick up a pen the moment, thoughts had returned to the Hometown of the autumn.

1974年,土耳其入侵塞浦路斯,摧残了这座岛屿,居民们四散逃命,希望有朝一日能重返故园。In the year of 1974 however, the Turkish invaded Cyprus and tore up the island.

他列举了他最喜欢的作家伊夫琳沃,对故园风雨后的作者。He listed Evelyn Waugh , author of Brideshead Revisited, as his favourite writer.

到哪一天,我才能自由、无所顾忌地踏向回归故园之路呢?On which day could I freely step on the way of return home without any misgiving?

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那里,曾经是岑参笔下的走马川,他故园东望路漫漫,双袖龙钟泪不干。He looked from the east and there was a long way and tears could not help falling.

他远离故园,又无职位,对待国家、宗族之事只有悲叹而已。He was far away from hometown, nor post treatment state, the religion thing only lament it.

春风啊吹绿了东方神州,春雨啊滋润了华夏故园。The spring breeze blew the green Eastern divine land, the spring rain has moistened the China native place.

文章以古典诗词为例,分析森林意象中故园情结的复杂性。Some classical poets were taken as examples to analyze the complexity of homestead complex in forest imagery.

从被逐出故土那天起,犹太人就没有忘记过重返故园。From that day were driven out of their native land, there will be no Jews had forgotten to return to hometown.

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不能回故园为母亲尽孝,我在书房母亲的遗像前焚香默念。Incapable of return homeland to carry out piety, in room of study before mother's photo I incensed saying silently.

而超人呢,他刚回到地球,之前他花了5年时间去寻找他失落的故园——氪星。Superman, you see, has just returned to Earth after a five-year absence spent searching for his lost homeworld, Krypton.

帮助女性故园度过短暂产假后再顺利回到工作岗位,这样可以使问题减少到最低限度。Helping their female employees to have a short baby break and smooth re-entry to the workforce would minimize the problems.