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大喜的日子是哪一天?When’s the big day?

你的大喜之日是什么时候?When is the big day?

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她进大学的那一天是她的大喜之日。He was in the public eye these days.

夺回黑盒子之后,雷母大喜。Back after black box, ray big mother.

祝你猴年好运、新年大喜!Good luck to you monkey, a big New Year!

今天是哥哥和嫂子结缡的大喜日子。Today is the day my brother gets married.

切不可大喜大悲。Cuts cannot great happiness be greatly sad.

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城建成后,吴王大喜。The city is completed, the king exultation.

赵敏容许徐峰看孩子的请求,徐峰大喜。Zhao allow m children's request, see great m.

她进大学的那一天是她的大喜之日。The day she entered college was a big day for her.

天使对一些牧羊人报告这个大喜的讯息。Angels announced the joyful news to some shepherds.

值你俩大喜之日,谨致最诚挚的祝贺!My sincere wishes on this auspicious event of yours.

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大喜、铁锤重回故地,心中感慨万分。The big hammer, to return to the heart with emotion.

看见苔丝这样听话,德北菲尔德太太不由得心中大喜。Mrs Durbeyfield was only too delighted at this tractability.

今天是你的大喜之日,但你却迟到了一个小时。You know, today is your wedding day but you are 1 hour late.

值你俩大喜之日,谨致最诚挚的祝贺。My sincere congratulations on this auspicious event of yours.

在你们的大喜之日,给你和我们的半子所有的爱和祝福。Love and wishes to you and our new son-in-law on this wedding day.

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恭喜你们订婚,大喜之日确定了吗?Congratulations on your engagement. Have you decided upon big day yet ?

在这大喜的日子里,我祝福新郎新娘新婚愉快,蜜月美好。In this joyful day, I wish a happy newlywed bride and groom, honeymoon.

国王听后大喜,奖赏第二位智者100个金币。The king felt very gleeful and rewarded the sage with 100 golden coins.