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在冷泉汇成的水面上漂流着。Drifting over water fed by cool springs.

她把火炬往四周冷泉里一浸。This brand she quenched in a cool well by.

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苏澳冷泉位于宜兰县。Suao's cold spring is located in Ilan County.

一线冷泉把馥郁的花香,淹没。Cold seeps into the floral fragrance line, submerged.

冷泉及冷泉碳酸盐岩是当今科学界研究的前沿之一。Cold seep and cold seep carbonates are the frontiers in the modern science.

伯纳德博士把文档捐给冷泉港之后不久他做了检测。He inspected the archives shortly after Dr. Brenner donated them to Cold Spring Harbor.

通过对蒙自县冷泉基地发展山地蚕桑的调查分析,推断云南可建成规模化的优质原料茧基地。Yunnan could be built to be a base to provide high quality cocoon materials through research.

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冷泉天皇继位后却将暗香公主送来与大宋和亲,显有恢复往来之意。Cold after emperor ascended the but fragrant with big sung and sent the princess, show with the meaning of a recovery.

绿娃会喷火,曾熔化蜈蚣兵的斧子,被妖精用冷泉清凉酒醉倒,又被冰冻。The green baby will torch, once melted the centipede soldier's axe, by spirit with cold spring cool drunk but actually, also freezes.

因为此井是模仿金山中冷泉而开凿的,它的位置又在金山之东,故称“东冷泉”。" Because this well is to imitate the cold spring and dug Jinshan, Jinshan its position again in the east, it said "East Cold Spring.

冷泉碳酸盐岩的常见矿物有微晶方解石、文石、白云石和黄铁矿。The most common minerals in seep carbonates are microcrystalline calcite, microcrystalline aragonite and dolomite, and pyrite as well.

不过,克里克的办公室同事悉尼·布伦那博士最近将装着他的信件的箱子捐赠给了冷泉港实验室图书馆。However, Crick's office roommate, Dr. Sydney Brenner, recently donated boxes of his letters to the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Library.

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继续通过寺庙,你会求助于药物主厅,大悲殿、冷泉亭。Continuing through the temple complexyou will come in turn to the Pharmaceutical Master HallGreat Mercy Hall and the Cool Spring Pavilion.

扎克·李普曼博士是纽约冷泉港实验室的论文带头人,他说,所有开花结果的植物都应能适用这项发现。Dr Zach Lippman, the lead author at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory in New York, said the technique should work for all flowering fruit plants.

从赣南横迳温泉区采集10个水样并分析了温泉及冷泉的水化学成分,认为热水起源于大气降水补给。In the Hengjing hot springs area, southern Jiangxi Province, 10 samples taken from hot springs and cold springs are analyzed for hydrochemistry.

它与法国维希矿泉,俄罗斯北纳尔赞矿泉并称“世界三大冷泉”。The spring, together with Vichy mineral spring in France and Northern Narzan mineral spring in Russia, is called "three biggest cold springs of the world".

冷泉港实验室有专注在癌症,神经生物学,植物基因学,基因体和生物资讯,和广泛教育任务的研究计划。Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory has research programs focusing on cancer, neurobiology, plant genetics, genomics and bioinformatics, and a broad educational mission.

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贵州松桃大塘坡地区的南华系是研究古代天然气渗漏及冷泉碳酸盐岩的理想地区之一。Nanhua System in Datangpo, Songtao County, Guizhou Province is proposed to be one of the ideal areas to investigate the ancient gas seep and the associated cold spring carbonates.

伯纳德博士现在在加州的亚霍拉市的索尔克研究所工作,最近把他的所有备案文件捐献给了长岛的冷泉港实验室而且沃特森博士还在那儿工作。Dr. Brenner, who is now at the Salk Institute in La Jolla, Calif., recently donated all his files to the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory on Long Island, where Dr. Watson still works.

在周四时,该州官员说证实第一个感染猪流感是一个与冷泉Rocori中学有关的人,在西北约60英里姊妹城市。By Thursday, officials said the state's first confirmed case of swine flu was a person with ties to Rocori Middle School in Cold Spring, about 60 miles northwest of the Twin Cities.