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我们走着瞧吧。We shall see.

走着瞧吧,可恶的压力!Waits and sees, hateful pressure!

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如果我提的想法先发生了的话,我们且走着瞧!Let's wait and see if it occurs first!

当然,你一定能的。走着瞧吧。Sure you can. Now you go ahead and see.

咱骑驴看唱本儿,走着瞧!We sit donkey look sing book, go to look!

你有两下子,咱走着瞧!You have two down sons, we walk till look.

能不能干好是另一回事,我们走着瞧。Whether I'll be good at it is another thing.

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走着瞧,我不会让你得逞的!Just wait and see. I wont let you get away with that.

我们走着瞧,我不会让你得逞的!Just wait and see, I won't let you get away with that!

走着瞧,我不会让你得逞的。耍狠的。Just wait and see, I won't let you get away with that.

咱们是骑驴看唱本,走着瞧!We are to ride donkey to watch anthem txt, melodrama at ear!

在切尔西,又将有一个新的循环,我们走着瞧。At Chelsea, there is a new cycle happening so we will see what happens.

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我已经想到了这点,可能的情形是我们只做供应商,走着瞧。I have thought about that. It may be that we can only be a supply company.

一直有人告诉我们这些,有人选择相信,但我知道他们都错了,不信走着瞧。So we've been told and some choose to believe it. I know they're wrong wait and see.

国会政府开始向中国出售印度了,这是第一步。走着瞧吧,伙计们。Congress Gov started selling india to china, this is initial stage. Keep watching guys.

“我们走着瞧吧,”这是她的回答,她就骑马疾驰而去,丢下我在后面辛辛苦苦地赶着。We'll see,' was her reply, and she set off at a gallop, leaving me to toil in the rear.

可是谭招弟心中却想,骑着毛驴看书——走着瞧吧,看竟是什么原因。But Tan Zhaodi was still thinking to herself, let's wait and see what the reason for it turns out to be in the end.

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政策上而言,中文引入域名系统是政府希望的,但人民真正需不需要,我们走着瞧。Politically it will be wanted and desired by the government, but whether the people here really want it, we'll see.

不久以前。谁能说今天的境况能有多坏呢?走着瞧吧,我们将近距离观察。It was not that long ago. Who is to say how bad things can get today? We will see, and we will watch things closely.

貌似苹果对待这种新技术采取的是一种“走着瞧”的态度,就好像他们对待3G的态度一样,他们不会发布一款4GiPhone手机,直到他们对网络的覆盖率和依赖程度更有信心。It’s likely that Apple is taking a “wait and see” attitude to these new technologies, just as they did with 3G, and won’t release a 4G iPhone until it is more confident about coverage and reliability.