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为什么中级的涅磐呢?Why middle-grade Nirvana?

因此,我们说是中级涅磐。Hence, we say middle-grade Nirvana.

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切换到中级模式或高级模式。Switch to intermediate or advanced mode.

寻桥是咏春拳的中级套路。Chum Kiu is a middle rank routine of Wing Chun.

基本达到中级茶艺师水平。Equal to the level of Medium Tea Art Personnel.

我能旁听你的“中级希泰语”课程吗?Can I sit in on your Intermediate Hittite class?

中级口译终于考完了。Intermedia Interpretation has finally been done.

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特殊效果,中级白骨震颤,高级骨甲。Special effect, media bones tremor, deluxe bone A.

其中高级职称的5人,中级职称的25人。Of which 5 senior titles, 25 were mid-level titles.

下次,我会写一个针对中级跑步者的训练指导。I’ll try to do a guide for intermediate runners next.

使用工具来帮助初学者成为中级用户Use Tools that Help Beginners to Become Intermediates

中级经理对网球更感兴趣。The middle-level managers are more interested in tennis.

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该考试设中级和高级两个级别。This test has intermediate and the high-level two ranks.

这些教科书是为中级水平的学生编写的。These coursebooks are designed for intermediate students.

我们中心将初学者教到中级水平。We teach learners up to intermediate level in our centre.

其中中级职称12人、高级工程师4人。And intermediate title 12 people, senior engineer 4 people.

在空置房屋,中级或更严重滞销。In vacant houses, the middle-grade or more serious unsalable.

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她在RUP和CMM的训练方面属于中级水平的工程师。She is a mid-level engineer with training in RUP and the CMM.

因为我是一名给中级学生教伊斯兰研究的老师。This is as I am teaching Islamic Studies to O-level students.

中级商务英语口语翻译为我方已的接受贵方6/10对300台打字机的订单。We have accepted your order of June 10th for 300 typewriters.