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他发出嘘声赶走他离开。He shoos him away.

您是如何将他赶走的?How did you drive him away?

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但他们的确把鲨鱼赶走了。But they drove the shark away.

孩子赶走了苍蝇。The child drove away the flies.

那个有钱人挥手把乞丐赶走了。The rich man waved the beggar away.

她把猫从椅子上赶走。She turfed the cat out of the chair.

不,你不会再赶走我了——你曾经真为我难过的,是吧?You were really sorry for me, were you?

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房东威胁要把我们赶走。The landlord threatened to throw us out.

斑斑会把其他狗从马克背上赶走吗?Does Spot get the other dogs off of Mark?

我有过被清房赶走的经历。I've had the experience of being evicted.

我们将它们赶走后,就回去睡觉了。We shooed them away and went back to bed.

我要把她花园里的夜莺都赶走。I would banish nightingales from her garden.

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愚蠢的莎莉迅速地赶走七只笨小羊。Silly Sally swiftly shooed seven silly sheep.

愿甜甜的蜜酒,赶走你的忧愁。Sweet mead is ready to drive away your gloom.

母牛挥动尾巴赶走苍蝇。The cow flicked the flies away with its tail.

为什么要赶走一半的潜在投资者呢?Why alienate half of your potential investors?

他受雇把捣乱者赶走。He was employed to chuck out any troublemakers.

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这城池是圣彼得的,你们的父辈将他从这里赶走。It’s St Peter’s, whom your fathers chased away.

牛抽动身侧,赶走苍蝇。The cow twitched its flanks to drive off flies.

宽仁之心可以赶走罪过,但是赶不走内疚。Forgiveness removes the debt, but not the guilt.