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请寄给我们贵方的石英钟价目单。Please send us your price list of quartz clocks.

我上次逛街时看见一个石英钟挺漂亮的。I saw a beautiful clock last time I was shopping.

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木制的百叶窗旁挂着一个金黄色的石英钟。There is a gold quartz clock near the wood shutter.

你们的石英钟在市场上卖得不错。Your quartz clocks are quite salable on our market.

这种报时装置适合于各种秒跳式石英钟机心。This kind of set fit onvariouis second juniper quartz movement.

例如,我们现在使用的石英钟和石英表的精确度达到了一年误差不超过一分钟。It was and is a digital watch that uses Quartz crystal to power it.

本公司是以生产“桂冠”牌系列石英钟的企业。Our company is the one producing "Guiguan" brand series quartz clock.

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我上次逛街时看见一个石英钟挺漂亮的,想送给她。I saw a beautiful clock last time I was shopping and I wanted to get it for her.

时间标准是由石英钟和广播标准信号提供的。The time base was given both by a crystal clock and the broadcast standard signals.

听到墙上的石英钟的报时,我知道已经一点了。Hearing the striking of the clock on the wall, I knew it was already one past midnight.

例如,我们现在使用的石英钟和石英表的精确度达到了一年误差不超过一分钟。For example, we have Quartz crystal clocks and watches with accuracy of one minute a year.

我家石英钟的时间比电视上显示的时间快几分钟。The time on the quartz watch at my home is several minutes earlier than that on the television.

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螺母广泛应用于电子元器件,电位器,石英钟机蕊,灯具等。Nut is widely used in electronic components, potentiometer, quartz core machine, lamp and so on.

不过石英钟技术称霸计时标准的寿命也不长。Quartz-crystal technology did not remain the premier frequency standard for long either, however.

此钟现由位于天文馆主入口处的高频石英钟控制。The clock is now controlled by a high grade quartz clock in the main entrance of the Observatory.

到了二次世界大战结束,石英钟的精确度已经推进到约每30年误差一秒的地步了。By the end of World War II, this accuracy had improved to the equivalent of a second every 30 years.

如果你想知道准确的时间,你可以到餐厅去,在那里墙上挂着一个石英钟。If you need the exact time, you can go to the dining room, there's a quartz clock on the wall there.

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本文系统研究了石英钟罩式微波等离子体辅助化学气相沉积装置对沉积金刚石薄膜的影响。In this paper diamond films were deposited using bell-jar type microwave plasma assisted CVD system.

该方法对此类型石英钟机心的设计具有一定参考价值。It analyses it's characteristics and also directs and summarizes such designing of quartz crystal clock movement.

当前,加威所设计生产的石英钟机芯种类齐全,有闹钟机芯、扫秒机芯和摆钟机芯,以优良的品质,赢得了国内外市场的广泛认可。At present , the jiawei designs and produces all kinds of cassette mechanism of quartz clock , including cassette mechanism of alarm clock , stopwatch and pendulum clock.