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他们的生活也并不奢靡铺张。They don’t live an elaborate lifestyle.

不奢靡,不消沉,不堕落。Not extravagant, not depressed, not degenerate.

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他们的生活也并不奢靡铺张。Mubarak. They don't live an elaborate lifestyle.

高中时代,爱情是奢靡品,少数人拥有得起。High school, love is extravagant product, a few people have to rise.

“奢靡”一般被作为负面的社会经济现象加以批判。Shemi was generally criticized as a negative social and economic phenomenon.

她的“沐浴仪式和奢靡的生活方式”是某款香水的灵感来源。Her "bath rituals and decadent lifestyle" are credited with inspiring a perfume.

中国的新闻媒体经常会做一些关于足球运动员奢靡生活的报道。The Chinese news media often report on the flashy lives that many soccer players lead.

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然而,最大的赢家是那些现在享受着奢靡生活的俄罗斯石油精英。The biggest winners, however, have been Russia's oil-connected elite, who now enjoy lavish lifestyles.

大多数梅第奇银行的借贷都是做给王室的,用于支持他们的军事行动或是维持他们奢靡的公子哥儿生活。Most of the Medici bank’s lending was to royalty, to finance military campaigns or lavish princely lifestyles.

随之,财富与权力推动繁荣和奢靡,而繁荣与奢靡必将导致颓废、腐败与衰落。Wealth and power lead to affluence and luxury. Affluence and luxury lead to decadence, corruption and decline.

夜,恣意蔓延着它的魅惑,黑色羽翼缀满盈盈珠光,散发炫目的奢靡。Night, willful spread of the charm of its black wings pearl encrusted Ying Ying, distribute stunning extravagance.

奢靡的生活花掉了沈先生大把的钞票,他的财产逐渐地减少,而他的饮食习惯也越来越怪异。All those expenditures take a lot of money. Shen's fortune gradually dwindled, and Shen himself starting acting weird.

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围绕反对形式主义、官僚主义、享乐主义和奢靡之风,加快体制机制改革和建设。Speed up reform to fight formalism, bureaucracy, hedonism and extravagance. Reduce meetings and simplify official documents.

这场风波引来了网络上不小的骚动,并且已被某些人当做当今中国物质奢靡风的极端典型。The case, which caused an online furore, was cited by some as an extreme example of the rampant materialism of modern China.

赌博是观测风俗民情的一个途径,仅从赌博几乎成为当时的民俗而言,魏晋南北朝时期也是社会风尚奢靡、人性颓废的时代。Gambling was a way to observe the social custom, Weijin and southern and northern dynasties were a extravagant and negative era.

在这个寒冷的冬夜里,恋爱像一种奢靡品,让相爱的人更福祉,让降双的人禁不止。However, it turns into rain drops in my eyelash. In such acold winter evening, love is luxury, making couples more happy and the single lonelier.

多年以来,奢靡的消费开支和泛滥的信用无法证明,为什么一件毛衣的成本比一张去罗马的机票还要昂贵。For years, decadent consumer spending and free- flowing credit meant no luxury chain had to justify why a sweater cost more than a flight to Rome.

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现在他将要亲眼看到奢靡的埃及向他臣服—“我要让下埃及尝尝我的厉害”,他后来这么写道。Now Piye would witness the subjugation of decadent Egypt firsthand—"I shall let Lower Egypt taste the taste of my fingers, " he would later write.

现在他将要亲眼看到奢靡的埃及向他臣服—“我要让下埃及尝尝我的厉害”,他后来这么写道。Now Piye would witness the subjugation of decadent Egypt firsthand—“I shall let Lower Egypt taste the taste of my fingers, ” he would later write.

生活在冰冷的海水里,渴望着水面上浮华奢靡的世界,总以为在那个世界里有让人迷醉的真爱。Living in cold waters, eager to flashy extravagance of the world on the water, always think in that world there are people fascinated by true love.