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于是,一场在所难免的火拼开始了。Therefore, is unavoidable the internecine strife started.

但现在的四种版本讹误在所难免。However several errors exist in the four present editions.

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不过外观上的比较是在所难免的。Comparisons in the looks department may be inevitable, though.

如果出行在所难免,深圳巴士网在您身边。If travel is unavoidable, the Shenzhen bus network on your side.

我们知道在发展过程中产生这些问题在所难免。We know these issuses arose naturally in the process of our development.

为了减少存货,开发商势必会降价促销,然后房价的跌落在所难免。This will trigger price declines as developers compete to shift inventory.

人人都会犯错,这是在所难免的,只要敢说,就一定能学好。Everyone can make mistakes, it is possible. Try your best to learn it well.

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诸如此种广博而精细的工作,阙漏与错印在所难免。In a work of this range and detail, omissions and misprints are inevitable.

战争中的无辜伤亡在所难免,但是,这次情况不同。There will always be innocent casualites of war, but this was not the case.

这样的话,账单里通常会有错误,一场争吵也在所难免。This way, mistakes are usually made in the accounts and an argument ensues.

为了好朋友有时吃点亏哪怕受点气也是在所难免的,人的一生真正的好朋友能有几个?It is inevitable to suffer some sort of loss for the sake of our good friends.

本词典虽非草率之作,但错误仍在所难免。Though this dictionary wasn't compiled in curtness, the mistake cannot be avoided.

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要记住,“不幸”是种天生的食肉动物,它所带来的伤害总是在所难免。Remember that unfortunateneass is a soro of carnivores which always bring the hurt.

否则,所译文本不经后期人工编辑,低级错误和误差在所难免。Nevertheless, rogue errors and anomalies are unavoidable without human post-editing.

在双边关系发展中,出现一些矛盾和分歧在所难免。Contradictions and differences are inevitable in the development course of bilateral relations.

考察新疆柯尔克孜族宗教信仰并非易事,未尽之处在所难免。It is not easy for me to study the Kirgiz's belief in Xinjiang, so there are many deficiencies.

从地缘政治和地缘经济的角度看,两国在世界范围争夺石油资源在所难免。In view of geopolitics and geo-economics, it is unavoidable for the two to vie for energy worldwide.

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我们已经尽了全力,然而当失败在所难免时,我们尽量做到败得优雅,或者至少败得幽默。We did try to do our best and when we did fail, we tried to do it gracefully or at least humorously.

如果抗毒血清没有及时注射的话,心肺功能衰竭导致最终死亡在所难免。Death, caused by cardiorespiratory arrest is inevitable if the anti-venom is not administered quickly.

年纪大的老人,他们在老化、衰败的过程中渡过了一天又一天,每天与死亡的威胁为伍,心情郁悒自是在所难免。The older is aging day by day. Everyday they have to stand with death so they can't help but feel sad.