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他的朋友,也命在旦夕。His friend, too, was dying.

医生告诉我那位老人命在旦夕了。The doctor told me that the old man might go off any time.

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大流士发现自己命在旦夕,于是再度临阵退缩,他转身逃跑了。Realizing that he is in grave danger, Darius once again loses his nerve. He turns and runs.

萧玲受创,命在旦夕,但她仍不死心,她还不能接受沈云变心的事实。Xiao Ling was a goner, but she still did not give up, she can not accept the fact that Shen cloud.

如果你找不到那把巨小的螺丝刀,那你孩子带发光二极管的玩具可就命在旦夕了。Your children's toys equipped with LEDs are in extreme danger if you can ever find that tiny screwdriver.

如果你找不到那把巨小的螺丝刀,那你孩子带发光二极管的玩具可就命在旦夕了。Your children’s toys equipped with LEDs are in extreme danger if you can ever find that tiny screwdriver.

当你的朋友命在旦夕,救人一命实在不算什么英雄但是只是竖立一面国旗?。All your friends dying. it's hard enough to be called a hero for saving somebody's life. But for putting up a pole ?

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原来天鹅们将那只冻在冰上的黑额黑雁围住了,我的朋友担心那只命在旦夕的黑额黑雁或许将在一群天鹅的利喙下变得千疮百孔。As the swans surrounded the frozen goose,she feared what life it still had might be pecked out by those great swan bills.

原来天鹅们将那只冻在冰上的黑额黑雁围住了,我的朋友担心那只命在旦夕的黑额黑雁或许将在一群天鹅的利喙下变得千疮百孔。As the swans surrounded the frozen goose, she feared what life it still had might be packed out by those great swan bills.

原来天鹅们将那只冻在冰上的黑额黑雁围住了,我的朋友担心那只命在旦夕的黑额黑雁或许将在一群天鹅的利喙下变得千疮百孔。As the swans surrounded the frozen goose, she feared what life it still had might be pecked out by those great swan bills.

所以情况持续恶化,那些现在无甚大碍的病人很可能两三天后就命在旦夕,也就意味着人们会死于本来可防可控的感染病。So, it's getting worse because the patients who were not critical only three days ago, are now in critical phases. This means that people will die from preventable infections.