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一支庞大的骡马队伍从青海省香日德城出发了。A giant mulish horse team saved city of sweet day heart to set out from Qinghai.

“虽然他们是从阿斯塔波骑过来的,但骡马几乎不剩了,”马赛莱恩这样汇报给她。"There is scarcely a horse or mule left, though many rode from Astapor, " Marselen reported to her.

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他往前刚走了一会儿,就有一个上年纪的牧师,骑着一匹灰色的骡马,一路信口哼着小调,迎着面儿走来。Presently he was met by an elderly parson stride on a gray mare, who, as he rode, hummed a wandering tune.

胃里差不多装满了各样的水,有时候里面会轻轻的响,像骡马似的喝完水肚子里光光光的响动。His stomach chock-full of water was gurgling a little, like the belly of a horse or mule when it has drunk its fill.

位于成都市中心骡马商业金融圈,为骡马市商区最高建筑物,步行5分钟即可到达天府广场及主要商业中心。Located at Luoma commercial and financial circuit, it is 5-min-walk to Tianfu Square and the main commercial center.

从这以后,就再也没有谈论用骡马拉车的事了,而为它们盖的骡厩也很快地拆除了。Since then, no any discussion on carrying the vehicle with mule or horse occurred, and the mule stock was also removed quickly.

他们不舍得将农家肥浪费在城里马路上,于是在每个骡马屁股后面都挂着个用布袋弄成的大粪兜,兜着牲口拉下的大粪。They were unwilling to leave manure on streets and thus hung a big cloth bag under the rumps to hold the livestock’s excrement.

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帕内塔强调他的团队正在进行的工作就是迫使骡马,F-35的主要制造商,把成本降下来。Panetta highlighted the work his team is doing to pressure Lockheed Martin, the prime manufacturer of the plane, to keep costs down.

迁校的第二年,狄考文才将他的化验工作室迁来潍县,原因是交通不便,运输大半借重骡马的驮负。It took one more year for the laboratory and workshop to be moved and set up in the new college campus, due to the limited transport using only mules.

他们各带贡物,就是金器,银器,衣服,军械,香料,骡马,每年有一定之例。And they brought every man his present, vessels of silver, and vessels of gold, and raiment, harness, and spices, horses, and mules, a rate year by year.

深深的车辙把大路割得遍体鳞伤,那是骡马拖着重炮碾过之处,两旁都有车辆轧成的红色沟渠。Deep ruts and furrows were cut into the road where horses had dragged heavy guns along it and the red gullies on either side were deeply gashed by the wheels.

军骡马吉葬在这里。在她的一生中,她踢过一个上将,两个上校,四个少校,十个上尉,二十四个士官,二百二十个士兵和一枚炸弹。Here lies Maggie, the mule who in her time kicked a general, two colonels, four majors, ten captains, twenty-foursergeants, two hundred and twenty privates, and a bomb.

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宁夏地区的乡村市场有集市和庙会两种形式,其中宁夏地区的庙会包括传统庙会和骡马大会两种形式。The Ningxia area's country market has the bazaar and the temple fair two forms, Ningxia area temple fair including traditional temple fair and trade fair of cattle two forms.

军骡马吉葬在这里。在她的一生中,她踢过一个上将,两个上校,四个少校,十个上尉,二十四个士官,二百二十个士兵和一枚炸弹。Here lies Maggie, the mule who in her time kicked a general, two colonels, four majors, ten captains, twenty-four lieutenants, forty sergeants, two hundred and twenty privates, and a bomb.

军骡马吉葬在这里。在她的一生中,她踢过一个上将,两个上校,四个少校,十个上尉,二十四个士官,二百二十个士兵和一枚。Here lies Maggie, the mule who in her time kicked a general, two colonels , four majors, ten captains, twenty-four lieutenants, forty sergeants, two hundred and twenty privates, and a bomb.

亚哈对俄巴底说,我们走遍这地,到一切水泉旁和一切溪边,或者找得着青草,可以救活骡马,免得绝了牲畜。Ahab had said to Obadiah, 'Go through the land to all the springs and valleys. Maybe we can find some grass to keep the horses and mules alive so we will not have to kill any of our animals.