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什么是苹果削皮机及取样器?。What is an Apple Peeler & Corer?

取样技术也很简单。The technique of sampling is easy.

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你可以添加一个断言到任何取样器。You can add an assertion to any Sampler.

取样检查的结果必须附加说明。Results of the sample must be translated.

“孔子鸟通过了取样测试,”卡里诺说。"It passes the sniff test, " Carrano says.

制定取样和留样制度。Develop sampling and sample keeping system.

工作人员通过在冰里钻孔取样来勘测结冰。People explore the ice. Bore it and sample.

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这就是用这个取样期间的数据得出的结果。That's what I got using this sample period.

取样器是由不锈钢316L材料制造的。Sampler manufactured in stainless steel 316L.

取样部位多数为树皮,其次为树叶。Sampling part is the bark and the leaf of Salix.

这涉及所谓等速取样的问题。It involves a subject known as isokinetic sampling.

捞砂筒也可用作业井底取样器。The sand bailer is also used as a bottom hole sampler.

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在过取样中我们对像素要进行多于一次的取样。In supersampling we sample more than 1 sample per pixel.

根据种-面积曲线确定最小取样面积。Minimum sampling area was determined by species-area curve.

插入已灭菌的取样器并将十字口封好。Entering the sampler sterilized and closed in the cross done.

使用英国石油公司提供的多点岩心取样器,科学家们得到了水下的土壤标本。Using a BP-funded multicorer they got underwater soil samples.

吊篮和平盘式取样器加大了对水流的阻力。The basket and pan types cause an increased resistance to flow.

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技师操作的悬臂同样进行拭子取样作为阳性对照组。The technician's console was also swabbed as a positive control.

在取样瞬间之间,没有电压的读数。Between sampling instants there is no registration of the voltage.

对于植物药来说,以下是取样的最低要求。The foll are the minimum considered applicable to vegetable drugs.