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那个寡廉鲜耻的家伙企图欺骗我!That dirty dog tried to cheat me!

体育明星总会是那些寡廉鲜耻女性的目标。Sports stars are targets for unscrupulous women.

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他寡廉鲜耻地剥削人民。He is unscrupulous in his exploitation of people.

他认为英国政府低能且无道德原则,资本家寡廉鲜耻,惟利是图。He deems capitalists to be shameless and bents solely on profit.

股东制的反对者们认为该制度是一种寡廉鲜耻的制度。Opponents of shareholder capitalism claim that it is unscrupulous.

寡廉鲜耻的出口商目光短浅,为了短期利益而不惜付诸最古老的的做法。Unscrupulous exporters looking for short term gains are going back to the old trade practices of yester years.

它是“大国中最小的一个”,在其邻国心目中,它令人失望地使人捉摸不透,并且寡廉鲜耻。It was "the least of the Great Powers, " frustratingly unpredictable and unscrupulous in the eyes of its neighbors.

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但是,它确实需要一位领袖,摆脱斯特劳斯•卡恩所带来的寡廉鲜耻的形象。It does, however, need a leader to represent a shift away from the kind of moral carelessness Strauss-Kahn had come to portray.

这些照片例证了一种寡廉鲜耻的文化以及对不知悔改的野蛮行为的强烈渴慕。What is illustrated by these photographs is as much the culture of shamelessness as the reigning admiration for unapologetic brutality.

这就必然使中国人民反而感到蒋自己才是寡廉鲜耻的小人,使这位高贵者为卑贱者所唾弃。This attempt to monopolize moral goodness inevitably led the people of China to consider Chiang, himself, immoral. The inferior man was tired of the Superior Man.

更糟糕的是,那些寡廉鲜耻的网站经营者有时将数据库中填满伪造资料,这些资料由自己的员工或雇佣的人进行维护。To make matters worse, unscrupulous site operators sometimes stuff their databases with fake profiles maintained either by their own staff or by people they have paid.

阿切尔太太认识的所有上年纪的夫人们都认为,任何轻率与人相爱的女人都必然是寡廉鲜耻、工于心计的,而心地单纯的男人在其控制下则是无能为力的。All the elderly ladies whom Archer knew regarded any woman who loved imprudently as necessarily unscrupulous and designing, and mere simple- minded man as powerless in her clutches.