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你可以把颜色调得醒目些吗?Can you punch up the colors?

你们有没有特别醒目的红颜色的裙子?Do you have any sharp-looking red skirts?

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红梅衬着白雪十分醒目。Red plums stand out against the white snow.

运用醒目的标题与副标题。Use eye-catching headlines and sub-headlines.

那张证书占着我墙上最醒目的位置。The certificate has pride of place on my wall.

一个醒目的外观矮胖的条纹图案。Chunky stripe pattern for an eye-catching look.

这幅画有背景衬托分外醒目。The picture is relieved against the background.

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伟大的博客必须要有提要和醒目的列表。Great blog posts have subheadings, or bolded lists.

旅店低矮的石头墙上,一只黄色的麝猫醒目地匍匐在那里。yellow genet flamed above the low stone hotel walls.

三张照片中,柯瑟琳的那张最为醒目。Of the three photos, Cordell's was the most arresting.

各报用大号字体醒目地刊登了这则消息。The newspapers screamed out the news in large letters.

因常年积雪,在万山群中格外醒目壮观。The nine peak are covered with snow all the year so Mt.

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这部字典的词目是用很醒目的字排印的。The headwords in this dictionary are printed in bold type.

站在远处看,招牌上炫目的中国字非常醒目。From afar, the bold glare of Chinese characters stands out.

你会选择醒目的红色礼服参加你的婚礼派对吗?Should you choose a sharp red dress for your wedding party?

完成这些,然后用记号笔将它们从清单中醒目地划掉。Complete and get the big marker out to cross them off the list.

在黑色连衣裙的衬托下,她那串钻石项链显得格外醒目。Against her black dress, her diamond necklace stood out clearly.

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我发现了这个有着红色叶子的树木醒目线。很漂亮!I spotted this eye-catching line of trees with red foliage. Nice!

尝试着出去为面试而装备一下,因为面试要求人醒目。Have a go to outfit for interviews should one pop up out the blue.

来自妮可里奇的提示,用醒目的配饰来让这身装扮发挥到极致吧!Take a cue from Nicole Richie and add bold accessories to the mix.