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二是运动差造成扬尘。The second is movement caused by dust.

增加了可以关闭坦克行驶时的烟雾和扬尘的选项。Added an option to turn off smoke and dust off the tank tracks.

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其所排放的主要污染物是扬尘。The main pollutant emitted from open sources is resuspended dust.

但是扬尘抑制公司给了他仅仅给了他许诺的委托中象征性的预付款。But the dust-control company gave him only a token advance on his promised commission.

但也有一点好处就是开起车来不会有那么多扬尘了。The only thing what it improves is that there isn't that much dust from the cars anymore.

噪声和扬尘污染是城市建筑施工中的主要环境问题。The noise and dust pollution are the major problems at the building construction site in city.

缺点是干燥矿粉的制备、运输和加工过程中会产生扬尘,造成环境污染。The transportation and treatment of dry ore powder will produce dust and pollute the environment.

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具有细碎效率高、功耗极低、无扬尘、几乎无振动。Have in small, broken bits efficiency high, consumption extremely low, have and raise dust, for vibration.

反电晕和二次扬尘是提高电除尘器的除尘效率所面临的两大难题。The discorona and re-entrain dust are two key issues to improve the efficiency of the electric precipitator.

整机结构紧密、体积小、不扬尘、噪音低、质量高、能耗低、移动、维修方便。The whole machine has the features of compact structure, small volume, non-dust flying, low noise, high output.

风具有平流输送和稀释扩散颗粒物的作用,同时也是引起地面扬尘的重要因素。Wind may play a role in transporting and diluting ambient particles and also lead to re-suspension of road dust.

提出了一种计算露天堆场扬尘量分布的方法,根据此方法理论计算了不同风场入口条件下的粉尘颗粒质量分布。A calculation method for wind-blown particles quantity in the air in typical refuse dumping sites is put forward.

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道路扬尘中高速路和环路细小颗粒物较主路和非主路高。As for road dust, the fine particles from speedway and circle road were much than from main road and non-main road.

本文得出了来自大型煤码头的碳对区域扬尘和TSP的影响,具有创新意义。For the first time, the influence of carbon coming from a large coal dock on blowing dust and TSP has been determined.

本地扬尘、扬沙是影响十堰空气质量的主要污染物,而浮尘天气更加重了总悬浮颗粒物的污染程度。Local raised dust and sand were major air pollutant, and the weather of floating dust aggravated the pollution of TSP.

针对灰场运行过程扬尘污染大气的问题,通过风洞试验,考察了多种悬液或溶液喷洒灰面固灰防尘的效果。Aiming at the air pollution problem in the course of running, with the wind tunnel test, the dustproof effect are seen about.

其研究结果对卤化物抑制路面、地面和各种散体堆放场的扬尘具有实际意义。The result has practical significance in the fields of dust suppression for road, ground and all kinds of scattered stacking.

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我遥望他们在峭壁上骑行,前灯穿透团团扬尘和暮霭,我开始数数。I watched them ride along the corniche, headlights blazing through the swirling dust and the fading light. I started counting.

沿着那条几乎无法穿行的暴土扬尘的主林荫道深入,禁猎区又呈现惊人的景象。Travel farther down the almost impassable packed dirt that acts as a major boulevard, and the sanctuary continues to surprise.

在施工过程中,建设者们采用了湿喷混凝土技术和湿式钻眼技术来减少扬尘,工人们则使用太阳能为其电力设备供电。Wet-spraying and wet-drilling helped to reduce dust emissions, and workers also used solar energy to power electrical equipment.