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是一个连接连词。"And" is a copulative conjunction.

名词性连词,“第一次,一…就”It is the first time that I have been late.

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介词和连词是小品词。Prepositions and conjunctions are particles.

这两个分句由一个连词连在一起。The two clauses are joined by a conjunction.

六岁的儿童何时听说过连词?What six year old child ever heard of a conjugation?

要求学生完成小黑板上的连词练习。Do the exercises. Join two sentences with connectives.

不要在句首使用并列连词。Do not start a sentence with a coordinating conjunction.

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英语虚词包括冠词、介词和连词。Empty Words including articles, prepositions and conjunctions.

用适当的介词或连词填空。Complete the sentence with right prepositions and conjunctions.

要求学生完成小黑板上的连词练习。Do the exercises. Join each two sentences with the conjunction.

虚词研究包括介词、助词、连词。The function word includes preposition, auxiliary, conjunction.

连词成句,给出三条好的理财建议。Connect the words to give three pieces of good financial advice.

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你还要学习如何恰当地连词成句。You still have to learn how to put a sentence together properly.

英语虚词包括冠词、介词和连词。Empty Words including English word, prepositions and conjunctions.

为什么这些年来我一直坚持连词体操呢?Why have I been taking gymnastics all these years until grade five?

当心这两句话,它们之间应加一个连词。Notice the two sentences. Between them, we should add a conjunction.

现代汉语的转折连词是一个组合。There is a synonym group of adversative conjunctions in Morden Chinese.

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语调在无连词复合句中具有语法作用。Tones have grammatical functions in complex sentence without conjunction.

用副词、连词等整合,完成择要撰著。Combine the key words into a summary, using some adverbs, conjunctions, etc.

它们可以和副词、连词共现,甚至可以同类连用。They can co-occur with the adverb, conjunction and similar successive application.