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霸王龙的尾部是独一无二的。But T. rex's tail was unique.

他们还制造商霸王。They are also the makers of Duracell.

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苹果是垄断者、抄袭者、行业霸王吗?Is Apple a monopolist, copycat and bully?

你这霸王,迷失了自己的权力。The Anarch of thine own bewildered powers.

但这种动物比霸王龙小一些。But it was rather smaller than Tyrannosaurs.

从小就受到父母亲的宠爱,在家里像一个“小霸王”。He looked as if a "little overland" at home.

盲人之中,独眼称王,山中无老虎,猴子称霸王。Among the blind the one-eyed man is the king.

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盲人之中,独眼称王,山中无老虎,猴子称霸王。Among the blinds the one-eyed man is the king.

类似年龄的霸王龙可以重达数吨。A similar aged T-rex could weigh several tonnes.

战役代号为“霸王行动”。The plan for this operation was coded "Overlord".

就这把弓箭,这叫霸王弓。This set of bow and arrow is called Bawa Crossbow.

今日,我虽死,却还是,西楚霸王。Today, I will die, but still, King of Western Chu.

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它独自居住,有时也和另一只霸王龙生活在一起。T-Rex lived alone, or sometimes with one other T-Rex.

新发现揭露雷克斯霸王龙详细资料New Tyrannosaur Discoveries Reveal Details about T. rex

最早的霸王龙是一种被叫做‘五彩冠龙’的动物。The first tyrannosaurs was an animal called Alectorsaurs.

我们唐家霸王枪要夺回兵器谱上的排名。Tong's Spear should be the number one on the weapon list.

目中无人的女霸王第三次完全不理睬他。For the third time the snooted matron totally ignored him.

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PS3的是像金霸王兔兔,它将继续进行中。The PS3 is like the Duracell bunny, It will keep on going.

霸王龙的脑袋很大,它是只聪明的恐龙。The brain of the T-Rex was large. It was a smart dinosaur.

最近与库伊特的合作,他们就像是两只金霸王宾尼兔。Alongside Dirk of late, they've been like two Duracell bunnies.