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因为工人阶级拥有所有生产资料。The workers owned the means of production.

生产资料应当属国家所有。The means of production should be owned by the state.

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劳动者与生产资料和生产成果之间的关系决定了诸种历史事件。The relationship of men to their tools and to production is what determines events.

这很简单,就是说,人们是否公平地获得生产资料?And what that means simply is did people get the things they used to make their money fairly?

生产资料的成本会对协议价影响很大。The contractual price will be greatly affected by the cost of materials used for the products.

国统局在一次声明中称,生产资料价格在五月年环比下降8.8个百分点。Prices of production materials fell 8.8 percent in May year on year, the NBS said in a statement.

在扩展的谷物模型中,通过引入生产资料,说明李嘉图价值难题的形成。In extended corn model, the paper explains Ricardo's value puzzle by introducing production means.

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作为重要社会生产资料,特种设备在各行业的生产过程中所起的作用也越来越大。Being important society production materials, special equipment plays an important role in each trade.

它已经聚集了生产资料,并且把财产集中在少数人的手里。Production, and of property. It has agglomerated production, and has concentrated property in a few hands.

社会主义经济在很大程度上依赖于政府计划和生产资料公有制。Socialist economy depends heavily on plans of government and public ownerships of the means of production.

这种生产方式是以土地及其他生产资料的分散为前提的。This mode of production pre-supposes parcelling of the soil and scattering of the other means of production.

因此,研究粮食生产资料价格变动对粮农收益及种粮积极性的影响具有重要意义。Therefore, the study of the FAO food price changes means of production and grain yield of positive significance.

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而国外企业为了占据中国内地的市场和使用廉价生产资料及劳动力,积极在中国投资开办公司。Foreign enterprises are actively investing in China or run the company to take advantage of the affordable labor.

社会主义民主制是劳动者和劳动力所有权和生产资料所有权的法权形式。The socialist democratic system is a law right of the worker's ownership and the production material ownership right.

特定社会的分配关系总是由该社会的生产资料所有制关系和劳动力所有制关系决定的。A society's allocation relationship is decided by the resource ownership relationship and labor ownership relationship.

生产资料的集中和劳动的社会化,达到了同它们的资本主义外壳不能相容的地步。Centralisation of the means of production and socialisation of labour at last reach a point where they become incompatible.

在封建农奴制度统治之下,农奴没有生产资料,生存权受到严重威胁。Ruled by feudal serfdom under theocracy, serfs had no means of production, and their right to subsistence was under threat.

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大力提升、利用和发展知识性生产资料有利于实现社会的科学发展。So upgrade, utilize and develop infotainment means of production in favor of realizing the development of the social science.

社会主义公有制是一个体系,生产资料公有制是其中层次最低、作用最小的一个组成部分。Socialistic public-owned economy is a system, with its production facilities at the bottom and possessing the least function.

快乐的孩子在小巷里转悠,妈妈们在寺庙里祈祷,而父亲们在露天的市场里购买生产资料。Happy children cycle through the alleys, mothers bow at prayer in the temples , and fathers shop for produce in the open-air market.