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这是阳痿的隐喻。It's an impotence metaphor.

□阳痿的可能性增加。Increases likelihood of impotence

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这会令问题恶化并导致阳痿。This can compound the problem and lead to impotence.

阳痿的暗示疗法是心理疗法的一种。Impotent allusive therapeutics is a kind of psychotherapy.

神经症中则以焦虑性神经症最易引起阳痿。In neurosis cause the most easily with angst sex neurosis impotent.

并且治疗会导致阳痿和尿失禁。And it can lead to treatments that can cause impotence and incontinence.

历史上,香草用于治疗阳痿,溃疡,歇斯底里和皮疹。Historically, Vanilla was used to treat impotency, ulcers, hysteria and rashes.

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诚然,温肾壮阳药不失为治疗肾阳虚阳痿的对症良药。Admittedly, the temperature is regarded as the treatment of renal aphrodisiac Yang impotence.

尽管很少,但也有报告指出有关这一疗法引发的失禁以及阳痿案例。Though rare, there have been cases reported of incontinence and impotence with this procedure.

使用抗阳痿的药物尤其年轻男性的生育能力有影响。In particular, young men who use the drug recreationally could impair their ability to have families.

总之,通过详细的病情了解,严格的检测,方能明确阳痿的诊断。Anyhow, pass detailed illness knowledge, detect strictly, fang Nengming is diagnosed impotently truly.

我每次就3-4分钟,有的朋友说可以试一下这个,可是网上说这是治疗阳痿的。I 3-4 minutes each time, some friends said I could try this, but said it was online impotence treatment.

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在性及阳痿研究方面,国际医学会授予杰出青年学者研究成就奖。Outstanding Young Researcher award given by the International Society for Sexual and Impotence Research.

在做心脏手术之前,我的这个病人是一个酒鬼,经常打老婆,而且阳痿大约已经二十年了。Before the heart operation, my patient was a winebibber and often hit his wife, what's more he had been ?

颤搐,妄想和阳痿,而这些副作用也会随着吸食频繁度的升高而加深。Side effects can include twitching, paranoia, and impotence, which usually increases with frequent usage.

男性阳痿的大部分原因都和激素、血管或神经相关。The majority of causes of male impotence have their origin in hormonal, vascular or neurological factors.

武汉阿波罗男子医院专家指出,目前,越来越多的男姓出现阳痿的症状。Wuhan Apollo man hospital experts point out that, at present, more and more male impotence symptoms appear.

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如果他们都认为犀牛角可以治疗阳痿,那么他们就会购买任何东西来喝。There may be a very big market over there. If they believe rhino horn can cure impotent they'll buy and drink anything.

于是医生乔治·杜克维让她服用治疗阳痿,可以刺激血液流动的伟哥。Dr George Ndukwe decided to experiment with the impotence drug Viagra because it is known to be able to boost blood flow.

性格内向、敏感多疑的人更易引发疑病性精神障碍而发生阳痿。Sensitive and introvert, suspicious person causes obstacle of hypochondriasis sex spirit more easily and happen impotent.