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所有邻国都必须改变他们的施政基本原则。All neighbor states must revise their policy fundaments.

董建华将在施政报告中透露更多详情。Mr Tung will disclose more details in his policy address.

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请问你整体黎讲对董建华既施政方针满唔满意呢?Are you satisfied with Tung Chee-hwa's administration policy?

他要定期报告你的施政情况。You should issue reports about your administration at stated periods.

在第一阶段的选举中,两位候选人均对各自的施政细节语焉不详。Neither provided voters much detail in the first phase of campaigning.

由此看来,巿民似乎对施政报告有不错的评价。It thus seems that people are rather positive about this year's address.

到目前为止,打击犯罪也算是他最惹眼的施政举措之一了。His crackdown on crime is one of his most eye-catching initiatives so far.

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请问你整体黎讲对董建华既施政方针满唔满意呢?On the whole, how satisfied are you with Tung Chee-hwa's policy direction?

同时也较为细致的分析了孔子、孟子、荀子的施政思想。Also a detailed analysis of the Confucius, Mencius, Xunzi's policy thought.

让我们看看今天的施政纲领吧,你会对我们的未来感到不安的。Look at some underlying measures today, and you will wonder about the future.

而政府施政条件的不足则影响了水利建设的成绩。Part two recommends the measure of water conservancy construction of government.

我们会继续努力确立「以民为本」的施政理念。We will continue with our efforts to uphlod the vision of "people-based" governance.

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三施政计画、事业计画或营业计画已成与未成之程度。Extent of realization of administrative policies, business plans or enterprise plans.

其中最大的要数“共和宫”,该宫殿是萨达姆的主要施政地。The largest of these was the Republican Palace that was Saddam's primary seat of power.

“法治政府”是“中国政府施政的基本准则”。Rule-of-law government is the basic principle of the Chinese government's administration.

起草小组成员于新闻发布会上介绍模拟施政报告。Members from the drafting group introduce the mock policy address during a press conference.

文章就元朝和明朝在藏区的施政模式进行了考述与比较。This article tests and compares policies in Tibet between the Yuan Dynasty and Ming Dynasty.

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奥巴马总统在他的首份国会施政报告中,只简单地说了一句“从能源开始。”In his first address to Congress, President Barack Obama said simply "It begins with energy."

还有些人认为,经济危机的爆发意味着美国没有财力支撑进步主义的施政纲领。What about the argument that the economic crisis will make a progressive agenda unaffordable?

樊增祥的施政风格,在今天亦不无借鉴意义和价值。Fan Zengxiang's administrative style still has significance and value for our reference today.