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将图层混合模式设置为正片叠底。Set the layer blending mode to Multiply

正片九点开始放映到十点半结束。The feature started at9 o'clock and ended at ten thirty.

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我要买两卷底片,另外还要一卷正片。I want to buy two rolls of thirty-six-exposure Kodakfilm.

要知道,在正片前插入的15秒广告都会让这代人厌烦不已。Remember, this is a generation annoyed by just 15 seconds of pre-roll ads.

所以这个正片或或印版被称为洋红版。The positive, or the printing plate, is therefore called the magenta printer.

这张照片被复制成正片一样,实际上是显示玻璃影象的负片。This photograph is reproduced as a negative to show the glass image as a positive.

彩色正片的感光乳剂基本上和彩色负片相同。Color positive emulsions basically perform in the same way that color negatives do.

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为了移除树周围的白色部分,我设置图层混合模式为“正片叠底”。To remove the white part of the cutout trees, I set the layer blend mode to "Multiply".

一张相应的正片是一个雏形,是将底片和相纸放置在触点下产生的。A contact print is model led by placing the negative in contact with the photographic paper.

广场上的背景之上的大理石纹理的股票,并改变其混合模式为正片。Place Marble Stone Texture Stock on top of the Background, and change its Blend Mode to Multiply.

然而更让他们感兴趣的挑战则是制作正片长度的动画电影。Both men were, however, more interested in the challenge of producing feature-length animated movies.

我又新建了一个图层设置成正片叠底,通过斜面浮雕的图层效果增加裂痕的厚度。I used a new layer set to multiply and a vague Bevel and Emboss layer style to add some depth to the cracks.

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1994年,在他成功的一年中,他开始出演电影正片,并不知不觉成了圈内人士。He broke into feature films, and into the collective unconscious of the world, in one single successful year, 1994.

使用的颜色很重要,因为我们要给将图层模式设置为正片叠底,这样做是为了让文字背后深色的木头质地显现出来。The color is important because we’re going to set it to Multiply to get a nice darkening of the wood texture behind it.

第一部达到正片长度的纪录片,全景记录贝多芬,包括60余场现场音乐会。The first truly comprehensive feature length cinema documentary ever made about Beethoven. With over 60 live performances.

在景物中设置标准灰阶标板和彩色靶标,其目的是为了确定正确的曝光量和正片印制。The use of standard gray scale and color targets in the scene is required for correct camera exposure and positive printing.

她的丈夫对于他们将要看什么总是很清楚,仔细地问好时间,去看正片而不看新闻短片。Her husband always knew what they were going to see, asked the times carefully, got to the main picture and avoided newsreels.

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这个2到1的压缩使用了市场上所有的底片,并且仍然为发行正片上的光学声带保留了空间。This 2-to-1 squeeze uses as much of the negative available and still allows room for an optical sound track on the release print.

提供正片菲林文本在上,药膜在下,并伴有单夹色打样。Film positives must be submitted with text facing up and emulsion membrane facing down, and accompanied by monochrome print samples.

图层模式为正片叠底,合并水彩图层和阈值图层,命名为“合并图层”。Set the Blending mode to Multiply, and merge both, "Watercolor Filter" and "Threshold Effect" layers. So, we now have a "Merged Layer".