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我来试试看看,成败在此一举。Let me try it. we will see.

这回对他将是成败在此一举。This time he'll sink or swim.

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我来试试看,成败在此一举。I'll have a try, it's neck or nothing.

成败在此一举的交易----这是一项决定成败的交易。A make or break deal – This is a make or break deal.

而我预计不列颠之战即将开始,基督教文明的生死存亡在此一举。I expect that the Battle of Britain is about to begin.

这是一个艰巨的任务,胜败在此一举。It's a tough assignment, and it will either make or break her.

三分钟之后,大家运动生涯的最关键一战就在此一举。Three minutes till the biggest battle of our professional lives all comes down today.

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三分钟之后,大家运动生涯的最关键一战就在此一举。Three minutes till the biggest battle of our professional lives all comes down to today.

是仅仅干得好一些,还是成为冠军,其差别往往在此一举。It could be the difference between becoming merely good at something and becoming a champion.

他只有一次机会搭弓射箭,大快朵颐或者挨饿过活,成败在此一举。He had only one shot with his bow and arrow. With that shot, everyone ate or everyone starved.

蔡要展现自己的领导权威,或随扁逐流,在此一举。Cai must unfold his leads the authority, or along with chases the class flatly , in this at one fell swoop.

关键在于政府职能的转变,成败与否在此一举。I think this reform actually is a make-or-break reform for the transformation of the functions of the government.

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成败在此一举,我把这只经过我精雕细琢,是饺子却又不象饺子的饺子小心翼翼地放进锅里。Success or failure, I put this only after I meticulosity is dumplings yet unlike dumpling jiaozi carefully into the pot.

参议院的表决把奥巴马带近终点,他希望该法案在周一能被签署,可能他总统任期的成败就在此一举。The Senate vote takes Obama close to the finish line and he hopes to sign the bill, which could make or break his presidency, on Monday.

但是现在,这些回答可能都是错的,因为一个英国研究组将在之后十年耗资百万美元进行研究调查,结果如果,在此一举。And yet all of the above could prove wrong, depending on what a British research team and millions of dollars turn up over the next decade.

基于其外包经验,他将主持海外运营。公司外包业务的成败在此一举。Based on his outsourcing experience, he will be incharge of oversees operations. It's the chance of make or break for the outsourcing business.