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降低半山区西部的地积比率。Reduce the PR in Mid-levels West.

雪厚厚地积在地上。The snow lies thick on the ground.

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田野上厚厚地积着一层雪。The fields lay thickly covered with snow.

这样反复地积,反复地落,雪松完好无损。This plot again, repeatedly fall, cedar intact.

一片一片地积,万丈雪层深似山。One flake and then another , and the deepest snow is laid.

这个地积比率较任何后海湾土地高出三倍。This is three times higher than the plot ratio for any other site in the Deep Bay area.

总之你一定会吓一跳。当你发现地毯上经年累月地积下了这么多东西。You'll be surprised to see what can collect in a mattress over the months, over the years.

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与别的省分不一样的是,海南是中国第二大年夜海洋省,但陆大地积倒是最小。Different from other provinces, Hainan is the second largest ocean island and the smallest land province in China.

日后市建局推行其他项目时,亦须提出与观塘相近地积比率和空间感作为发展条件。Will it not have to stipulate that its other projects should have plot ratios similar to that of the Kwun Tong town centre project?

溪水从长着青草的岩石缝隙里,像珍珠一样,慢慢地泌出,渐渐地积成一小洼,好像一面淡绿色的小镜子。Stream secrets slowly from the long grass of the rock cracks, like pearls , gradually aggregating into a small pool, as if a light green mirror.

文献资源建设指图书馆对文献信息资源进行有计划地积系和合理布局,以满足、保障教学和科研需要的活动。Literature resource construction is a kind of activity that collects, distributes literature resource scientifically to satisfied research requirement.

市建局项目降低地积比率,可以减少楼宇密度,增加空气流通,从而改善观塘以至整个东九龙市民的生活质素。The URA having reduced the plot ratio of the Kwun Tong town centre project, the building density will be lower in the district, and it will have better air flow.

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而‘新水’项目将特意让这片堤围泽地积满水,所有的建筑物将完美而适合地浮在涨涨落落的水面上。The New Water Project will purposely allow the polder to flood with water and all the buildings will be perfectly suited to float on top of the rising and falling water.

冰河时期海洋中多空虫贝壳化石中积聚的较重的氧同位素比较多,而另一种轻的氧同位素则更多地积聚在古代冰层和积雪中。During glacial periods, the forams' shells contain more of the heavier of two oxygen isotopes, as the lighter one is preferentially accumulated in snow and ice rather than the ocean.