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饮得琼浆鲜草宴。Drink then eat fresh grass.

纯洁的心田贮满爱的琼浆。A heart whose love in innocent.

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一直饮着天堂的琼浆仙乳。And drunk the milk of Paradise.

蜜蜂曾经吮吸你的琼浆。The bee that once did suck thee.

蜜蜂以花朵的琼浆和花粉为生。Bees feed on nectar and pollen from flowers.

从而,缀饮知识的琼浆慢慢成长。Thus, drinking up the growth of knowledge slowly.

为什么宜宾产五粮琼浆、贵州出国酒茅台?Why the world famous wine WuLiangYe produced in YiBin ?

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恋爱是一坛温过琼浆,永远费心永远醉心!Love is an altar wine too warm, never indulging fans forever!

它是历史的一部份,甚至还被一些人称作诸神的琼浆玉液。It's a part of history and has even been called the nectar of gods by some.

回忆是时间洒下的灰,化作一滴琼浆,烙印在脑中挥之不去。Memory is the time to sprinkle ash, into a drop of nectar, brand in mind now.

这样的水,是日月捧出的精华,是花雨酿造的琼浆。This water is the essence of the moon and to endorse, Huayu Brewing Qiongjiang.

琼浆满泛玻璃盏,玉液浓斟琥珀杯。Verily, glass vessels overflowed with nectar and amber cups brimmed with ambrosia.

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当我喝下了秘传教义的芳洌琼浆时,我也经历过这样的愉快。I have experienced this pleasure when I have drunk the liquor of the esoteric doctrines.

特此推出奥肯那根山谷向阳丘陵种植的当地草本植物酿造的琼浆玉液。We are proud to promote locally grown herbs cultivated on the sunny hills of the Okanagan Valley.

“我们是讲道理的民族,”假摄政王回答他,啜饮着随身带来的绿色琼浆。"We are a reasonable people, " the false Regent returned, sipping at the green grog he had brought with him.

在某个燃烧激情燃烧的黄昏,饮着蜜意的琼浆,把幸福注满全身心。Burning in a burning passion for the evening, drinking a Sweetie's Qiongjiang bring happiness to fill wholeheartedly.

一旦我们有了琼浆玉液,我们就放进汽车箱中,走访一家家的商店。Once we had our nectar in the bottle, we literally took it around in the trunk of the car calling on individual stores.

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除了坐下来用心聆听那“琼浆玉液”,还有什么比得上细细品味这来得更有味道。我想如果可以,他们也会这样做。They do everything except sit and listen to their precious beverages, and I imagine if they could, they would do that too.

报告琼浆酒的初步药理实验,并与龟龄集酒进行对比。In this article, preliminary pharmacologic studies of Qiongjiang wine are reported a comparison of this wine with Guilingji wine is made.

老鹳的传统葡萄品种,玉琼浆酒色金黄,既散发野玫瑰的花香,又满载温馨浪漫的甜蜜.。Traditional variety from Radgonske, this aromatic traminec is carrying obsessive wild rose aroma in yellow gold colour and romantic sweetness.