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这个表述法有用,为什么It's useful why?

楼上有一个表述成了我害怕你爱上我。I'm afraid i gona love you.

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现在我想表述的是什么呢?Now what am I referring to?

而是“他是如何表述这个的“but "how does he mean that?

职业表述要精确,不可含混模糊。Be specific, not vague or fuzzy.

表述时,内径总是写在前面。The Bore is always mentioned first.

在我看来,这种表述既正确,又令人郁闷。This looks depressingly right to me.

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我们的言词是我们信仰的一种表述。Our speech is an expression of our faith.

它可能表述含糊,这是我感到愤怒。It can be ambiguous, which makes me angry.

前缀简化了对工作的表述。Prefixes simplify discussion of your work.

但我们对自己身体和大脑的表述,却也是如此But we also extend that to my body and my brain.

我在许多方面都只是在重新表述一种很陈旧的想法。In many ways, I am simply restating an old idea.

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这一点触及了梦的表述核心。This attains to the narrative core of the dream.

在时间的表述中,经常用所有格。Possessives are often used in expressions of time.

如果必须用到原文,需要引用表述。If you must use the words of the author, cite them.

除此之外还有更好且更有吸引力的表述。There are much better or more appealing expressions.

他们提供了用42中语言表述的问题。They used questions provided in forty-two languages.

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这也可以表述为“性善论”。This can also be called "the theory of good nature".

希望是你最高意愿的表述,是你最壮丽梦想的声明,希望乃是神圣化的意念。Hope is a statement of your highest desire. It is the

许多这些事情困难地难以表述。Many of these duties will be indescribably difficult.