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经验论的对立面是唯理论。Theopposite of empiricism is rationalism.

经验论的对立面是唯理论。The opposite of empiricism is rationalism.

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他在经验论与唯理论之间开辟了第三条道路。He cut the third way between the empiricism and the rationalism.

在近代经验论、唯理论者那里,信念理论得以进一步延续。Belief theory is further extended in modern Empiricism and Rationalism.

在近代,实体问题成为经验论与唯理论关注的焦点之一。In modern history, substance question is one of focal points concerned by modern empiricism and rationalism.

后来她也成了唯理论者,这被当时上流社会的许多人看做是对上帝的亵渎行为。She became a rationalist herself , at a time when this considered by many in polite society to be blasphemy.

为此经验论和唯理论从不同的角度对知识确定性问题进行考证,但他们最后却都以失败而告终。In order to testify this idea, empiricists and rationalists argued from different angles, but they all ended in failure.

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在十七世纪,西方哲学发生了认识论的转向,出现了唯理论和经验论。In the seventeenth century, western philosophy had an epistemological turn and rationalism and experientialism appeared.

无论是经验论,还是唯理论,对于知识的公共性则只当作一个隐含的假定,并未予以重视。Both empiricism and rationalism consider the commonality of knowledge as a hidden supposition without paying attention to it.

经验论最后走向了怀疑主义和不可知论,唯理论往往要求助于上帝才能保证知识的客观性。Empiricism moves to skepticism and agnosticism at last. Rationalism often asks for God to guarantee the objectivity of knowledge.

恩格斯的自然科学认识论既不同于近代经验论、唯理论、先验论,也不同于反映论。Engds' epistemology of natural sciences is both different from the modern empiricism, rationalism, apriorism , and the theory of reflection.

恩格斯的自然科学认识论既不同于近代经验论、唯理论、先验论,也不同于反映论。Engels' epistemology of natural sciences is both different from the modern empiricism, rationalism, apriorism, and the theory of reflection.

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唯理论和经验论从各自的理路出发,却都殊途同归地将形而上学引入困境。Based on different theories, Materialism and empiricism reached the same goal by different routes that they led metaphysics into predicaments.

她20出头的时候就阅读了唯理论者们写的书,这些书对传统宗教的清规戒律大加批判。In her Early 20s, she read works written by members of the rationalist society, which criticised the dogma of traditional religious observance.

它着眼于强调人的精神的主动性,是近代唯理论和先验论哲学的先驱。It emphasizes the initiative of human spirit, becomes the forerunner of idealism and transcendental philosophy, and finally results in a type of theology.

其唯科学性的哲学特征,是近代唯理论、现代科学哲学、现代结构主义纵横作用,交互影响的结果。Such a philosophical feature resulted from the multi-effects and mutual influences of modern rationalism, modern scientific philosophy and modern structuralism.

唯理论的这个基本原则是与笛卡尔的二元论哲学体系相协调的,但是却与笛卡尔晚年提出的身心交感说处于直接的矛盾之中。This principle of rationalism works well with his dualism but conflicts with the interaction of mind and body, a theory put forward by himself in his late years.

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本文简要分析了斯宾诺莎的唯物论的唯理论和真理论及其对爱因斯坦的研究工作、哲学思想的影响。This article expounds briefly Spinoza's materialistic rationalism and theory of truth and their influence on Einstein's scientific research and philosophic thought.

唯理论则夸大了理智的能动作用,并在不同程度上承认意志自由,也没能解决好必然与自由的关系。Rationalism exaggerated the activity of reason, admitted the freedom of will to some degree, it hasn't dealt with the relation between necessity and freedom, either.

从追求难得的至高智慧、全面智慧的古希腊开始,逐渐发展为单纯追求理性智慧而否定实践智慧的司法唯理论。From the pursuit of a rare highest and most comprehensive wisdom in the ancient Greek, to the progress of pursuit of rational wisdom only and denying practical wisdom.