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真是个会偷懒的家伙!How lazy.

不要偷懒。Don’t be lazy!

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工程师们都是会偷懒的。Engineers are pretty lazy.

事实上,这并不十分偷懒。It’s not VERY lazy actually.

为了能够偷懒,我花了很大的功夫。I invested lots of time to be lazy.

然而一旦进入大学,就可以偷懒了。Yet once there, laziness can set in.

别偷懒耍滑头,开始干活儿吧!Stop goofing-off and get down to work!

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教练经常训斥偷懒的运动员。The coach often chews out lazy players.

责任的信使是不会偷懒的。The messenger of duty however was not idle.

他因为在工作中偷懒被炒了鱿鱼。He got fired because he slacked off at work.

谁要是存心偷懒,当然也可以。Those who chose to be idle, certainly might.

别偷懒,博比。快,立刻赶上去!Don't dawdle, Bobby. Come on, catch up at once!

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李明因上班偷懒而被开除了。Li Ming had been fired for goofing-off at work.

别偷懒了,快来帮我拿这些手提箱吧。Stop dawdling and help me with these suitcases.

在这部分千万不要偷懒,因为你们的友谊正危如累卵!Don’t be lazy here, there’s a friendship at stake!

让我偷懒使用计算器吧。Okay, let me be lazy and let me use my calculator.

在设计时就考虑到可伸缩性,从一开始就要计划偷懒Design for scale and plan to be lazy from the start

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管住您的钱包,不要偷懒。Keep your money in your wallet, and don’t get lazy.

不能浪费时间胡闹,或者在课堂上偷懒,那是不可以的。No time to goof around—unh uh—or slack off in class.

言外之意就是我工作了其他人就偷懒Saying I'm going to let the other guy work and I'll shirk.